javascript remove class from all elements

By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Is there anything faster that wouldn't have to re-iterate through the entire array? You can patch .classList into IE9. Created by Bram Vanroy on 2020-05-03 16:40:14 +0000 UTC. Before jQuery version 1.12/2.2, the .removeClass() method manipulated the className property of the selected elements, not the class attribute . Why use javascript when it can be done like this…, if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 400px)").matches) {. You can find the jsfiddle in here This piece of code uses JQuery.

One solution to this is to instead loop backwards through the elements.

How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object? Using Splice to remove multiple elements is just as easy.

Because if the key cannot be found, then instead it will remove any last key from the array. You would be able to write export var test = 'test'; which declares and exports a variable test. 0 How to remove all CSS classes using jQuery - You can use removeClass() to remove all the classes at one shot. Looking for affordable ways to learn coding from scratch? Unlike the methods described above, which will actually shrink the array length once the element has been removed, delete() will simply register the removed element as 'undefined'. Remove several class names How to remove several class names from the selected elements. the intention is to remove the class editable from every element except a specific one. For example, if you want to remove "kiwi" from my fruit list, but you don't know where it appears within the array, you can do the following: Once again, you'll notice that by using the 'Splice' function we have actually changed the indexing and length of the list, rather than merely turning all "kiwi" values into undefined variables.

So, for example, if you construct the following array: Then apple will be assigned 0 as an index, orange will get 1, and banana will be 2.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. I would like to know how to select all elements with class names "widget" and "hover" and then remove class "hover" from these elements.

When you hide 0th item then 1st item move to 0th position but you continue for cycle from item 1, thus leaving 0th item with class. Matches $99 $.99 $9.99 $9,999 $9,999.99 Explanation / # Start RegEx \$ # $ (dollar sign) ( # Capturing group (this is what you’re looking for) (? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! That includes the and and...well...everything!

I am trying to remove a series of class elements from a page (.whatever in the example), and I would much appreciate if someone explain to me why this script works: Because .getElementsByClassName() returns a live list, so when you remove an element from the DOM, that list gets actually shifted and your skipping every other element. How to tell a colleague I don't think he's qualified for a Lead role? JQuery probably should do something similar. Do you have any posts with details regarding how reference variables work... Read more, Hi Fiona!

The .forEach() also needs a patch for IE8, but that's pretty common anyway. In the line $('#' + catId).parent().remove('.subcatBtns'); You define a set of matched elements which contains only one element (the button container) and then call .remove() on this set with the selector Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I have a span that contains category buttons, and when clicked the subcategory buttons are added within the parent span. How to do case insensitive string comparison? Is it grammatically correct: no one raised their hand?

While there are easy functions such as concat() to combine arrays, there's no straightforward array.remove() tool. How to remove all the borders of a selectbox? Fortunately, there are plenty of methods you can use to make JavaScript remove element from array.