serbian language, alphabet

After the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbo-Croatian, defined as the common language of Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks and Montenegrins, officially split into three mutually intelligible languages — Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian. The original alphabet used by both the Serbs and Croats was Glagolitic. The Cyrillic alphabet (along with the Latin alphabet, which was adopted in the Catholic areas) was reformed by linguists, such as Vuk Karadžić, in the 19th century to create a better one-to-one correspondence between the language’s sounds and letters as well as a one-to-one correspondence between the symbols in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. Serbian has 25 consonant phonemes, i.e., sounds that differentiate word meaning. Vuk Stefanović Karadžić fled Serbia during the Serbian Revolution in 1813, to Vienna. Serbian uses mainly Cyrillic alphabet, but the Latin script is also used. The dialect picture of Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian is quite complex and is shared by all the languages. It is the official language of Serbia, co-official in the territory of Kosovo, and one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. While Serbian and Bosnian borrowed the names from Western European languages, Croatian uses inherently Slavic words, e.g., Serbian /Bosnian april and Croatian travanj, Serbian/Bosnian oktobar and Croatian listopad, literally ‘leaf fall’. Although Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian differ in a number of ways, these differences do not impede mutual intelligibility and, in fact, are not as great as the differences within the languages themselves. This rule does not apply to nasals, laterals, or rhotics. Ethnologue estimates that there are 8.6 million speakers of Serbian worldwide. The Croatian Latin alphabet was revised shortly afterwards by adding five extra symbols to the standard Latin alphabet by borrowing letters from Czech and Polish, and inventing the digraphs ‘lj’, ‘nj’ and ‘dž’ for phonemes represented by single letters in the Cyrillic alphabet. Serbian has a pitch stress. Standard Serbian, based on the Shtokavian pronunciation, is the official language of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He finalized the alphabet in 1818 with the Serbian Dictionary. alphabet (along with the Latin alphabet, which was adopted in the Catholic areas) was reformed by linguists, such as, , in the 19th century to create a better one-to-one correspondence between the language’s sounds and letters as well as a one-to-one correspondence between the symbols in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. They are characterized by a complex system of directional and aspectual prefixes and suffixes. Serbian is the standardized variety of the Serbo-Croatian language mainly used by Serbs. Constituents with old information precede constituents with new information, or those that carry the most emphasis. Suffice it to say that these languages are to a great extent artifacts of political, rather than linguistic decisions. Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian are all written with the Latin alphabet of, Foreign language learning is real world education, /ɾ/ has no equivalent in English; similar to, numbers: singular, plural, with some vestiges of. The three are fused into one ending, as is the case in all Slavic languages. Serbian Alphabet Learning the Serbian alphabet is very important because its structure is … The Cyrillic alphabet by Vuk Karadžićis also used, particularly in Serbia, However, its use is declining, especially among the younger population. The English approximations of the consonants are also indicated.