michael sissons

I have never wished to do anything else, and I can still scarcely believe my luck.". Sissons took over the business shortly before Peters’s death in 1973. Michael has 3 jobs listed on their profile. He also steered Louise Bagshawe (the future Tory MP Louise Mensch) to success as a writer of “bonkbusters”. In 1978 he founded the Association of Authors’ Agents, which his fellow agent Giles Gordon claimed had been founded principally to stop its members from stealing each other’s clients.

Eighties, Nineties, Noughties: Big Fat Books. Call us on 01733 333333, we'll be happy to help. Click on the featured 'contact me' box. Instead the Oxford University graduate “fell by accident” into a literary career in 1959, working for literary agent Augustus Dudley Peters. Miscellany Of Misery.

How to write great book descriptions He was elected in the 2012 election to a four-year term. Murdoch was forced to make a public apology to Patten, which included a sour aside about Sissons’s exploitation of the affair for publicity. But he was also one of the founders of the Groucho Club, the Soho establishment favoured by the metropolitan elite.

Michael Sisson won the general election on May 10, 2016.. Michael has 5 jobs listed on their profile. In the run-up to the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004 he lectured around the country, although he missed some key events after being kicked by a horse while out with the Old Berks Hunt. Michael Sissons, London based freelance photographer, offering actors' Headshots at extremely competitive rates. The stuff that Wordsworth Editions are made of. Sissons was careful in choosing clients, however, and in 2002 claimed that he had turned down the manuscript of a thriller by the Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith because it was too bad to publish. Please Login or Register. Join Facebook to connect with Michael Sissons and others you may know.

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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Michael’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Shortly after their divorce in 1992 he married his third wife, Serena Palmer, who survives him with the son and daughter of his first marriage and two daughters of his second. A self-publishing essential, How to write a novel In 2004 his daughter Maia and her fiancé were the first people to be married at the Groucho. Registered office: 13-15 Moorgate, London EC2R 6AD. In 1985 Sissons and a group of like-minded friends – including his fellow agent Ed Victor and the publishers Carmen Callil and Liz Calder – founded the Groucho Club as an alternative to the traditional London gentlemen’s club. Various agents have paid tribute to Sissons who died on Saturday (August 24th), following a stellar career which saw him representing names such as Simon Schama, Margaret Drabble and William Hague, setting up the Association of Authors' Agents, and overseeing PFD for almost half a century before acting as a senior consultant for the agency for the last decade.

He was not easy to pigeonhole. Veteran literary agent and “godfather of the industry” Michael Sissons has died aged 83. In 1992 Sissons married Serena Davies (née Palmer), whom he had met at a publishing party some years earlier. He said at the time: “It is not enough to hide away books on a shelf and hope they will be picked up. Michael Sissons is a Senior Consultant at PFD, working in the Books Division and representing novelists, non-fiction writers, and public figures in London and N(...) info@jerichowriters.com Sign in See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Michael’s connections and jobs at similar companies. He was educated at Winchester College and did National Service with the 13th/18th Royal Hussars before reading History at Exeter College, Oxford, where he was editor of Cherwell. See our Privacy Policy for more information on how we protect and manage your submitted data. Greene and Heaton agent Laura Williams tweeted: "Hard to find the right words to say about Michael's passing. Outside work Michael is an experienced photographer, enthusiastic cook … And he was one of the first agents to develop a computer system to keep track of his authors’ work, deadlines and finances, according to the Times. Your free, expert tutorials. It was a tribute to Sissons’s skill that, despite these periodic ructions, his clients remained loyal to him. Agent submission builder You can cancel at any time. Aickman, Bernard, Chetwynd-Hayes & Danby. How to choose categories & keywords 4 Acer Walk Oxford OX2 6EX United Kingdom UK: +44 (0)345 459 9560 US: +1 (646) 974 9060 Email: Download your FREE submission pack template, Write a succinct synopsis, the easy way He represented Simon Schama, for whom he secured a record-breaking £3 million book and television deal in 2002, and Max Hastings, whose success Sissons declared to be particularly admirable because he had “made such a hash” of his education. London Moorgate. If you want more info, you can get it here. Carroll tweeted: "His negotiations on behalf of authors affected how the whole industry is set up today. She said that she was “so, so incredibly lucky and thankful to have worked with him all these years”. Veteran literary agent and "godfather of the industry" Michael Sissons has died aged 83. We have found 48 people in the UK with the name Michael Sissons.