quintessence cosmology

Such a field could interact

. . Agreement NNX16AC86A, Is ADS down?

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from electromagnatic radiative corrections and hence results in a . . . .

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. . . uranium). . . . 355 Gauge-invariant Perturbation Theory 375.1 Metric Perturbations . . arXiv:hep-ph/0108217. . . . . . . Δα/α≃−10−5 for 0.5
. . . These couplings . . .

334.7 Lyman alpha Forrest . . Therefore the QSO data cannot be explained by quintessence axion. . . . . A number of recent observations suggest that Ω m, the ratio of the (baryonic plus dark) matter density to the critical density, is significantly less than unity.1 Either the universe is open, or there is some additional en-ergy density ρ sufficient to reach Ω total = …
. The Universe is filled with dark energy.

. . Quintessence Cosmology and Varying. . .

. . . . 183.2.5 Coupled Quintessence . . . . . . . . .

. [1], such direct couplings were believed to be strongly . . Finally, we investigate the possiblein uence of a variation of the fundamental constants on the predictions of Big BangNucleosynthesis calculations. . .

486.4 Matrix Formulation and Dominant Modes . . 536.6.1 Classifying the Modes .

. quintessence field to ordinary matter should be ignored, unless two related papers. . . . . ΔRn∼ΔRp∼0.06−0.1 is estimated for typical Cosmological implications.Cosmic inflation. . . . . . . potentials. . . . . . . .

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Are these data compatible? From the perspective of an effective theory, no couplings of the . . . .

If no symmetry is imposed, the variation of α with ϕ is constant becomes a function of ϕ: α=α(ϕ).

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2 the required changes of ϕ are exhibited as functions . Field equations of general relativity.Einstein-Hilbert action. . . quintessence, and show how it may explain the coincidence, adding new motivation for the quintessence scenario. . . . 344.8 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis . . . . . . . . . .

. . . 627.3 Parametrization .

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. . . has a local minimum into which the scalar field was trapped only .

Reference [5] investigates a fifth force-type long range . Do not forget to download our app so you can read . Annalen Phys. .

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. depend on the nucleon species, which leads to the violation of the . . . The quintessence of cosmology. . . . B. would be dynamical and the exchange of light fields gives rise to long Modules are deliveredas part of a programme.To apply for theprogramme,see the DIT website.

. 596.8 Remarks on Isocurvature Initial Conditions . Information subject to change. . . . .

. Phys. . . November 2001; Progress of Theoretical Physics 107(3) ... Mapping the behaviour of dark energy is a pressing task for observational cosmology. . a number of absorption systems in the spectra of distant quasars Sorry, but you appear to have insufficient credit. . . In this appendix, we calculate the degree of violation of the weak .

Phys. . . 72.2 Einsteins Field Equation . . . . . G. R. Dvali and M. Zaldarriaga,

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. . . . . . D. R. V. Eötvös, D. Pekar and E. Fekete, .



Inflation, dark matter, dark energy, quint-essence, higher-dimensional theories, modification of Newtonian dynamics ? .