nuptse mountain

I acknowledge I have read and understood The North Face. What food will be available?You’ll get breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as ample hot and cold drinks. When we do so, we move up through to Camp 2 for a couple of nights then make our summit bid after a night at Camp 3.

Our Sherpa guides are very experienced with multiple ascents of Everest and other high peaks under their belts, and are friendly and supportive companions along the way! How many guides/Sherpas will be assigned to our group?A ratio of climbers to Western guides is stated on each trip’s web page in the downloadable ‘Trip Notes’. We congregate in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, where we meet for a team briefing, gear checks and last-minute purchases before flying by fixed-wing into Lukla Airport in the Khumbu Valley. Most often, your guide will post daily dispatches on the AC website in which your friends and family can follow your progress. With a background in Rural Hospital Medicine and General Practice, New Zealander Sara first joined AC as Expedition Doctor on our 2017 Dhaulagiri team. This is coupled with a very strong expedition guiding team and Sherpa contingent, who, you will come to see, are second-to-none in the industry. The Maoists have now formed part of the Nepalese government and there is a comprehensive peace agreement in place so we hope the troubles of the past are put behind the Nepalese people. Based on my experience, AC's reputation as a premium guiding company is consistent with the high level of service they provide. What showers and laundry will be available on the expedition?For lodge-based treks, many teahouses offer hot showers for a fee and at Base Camp we will often set up a dedicated shower tent. This can seem alluring, especially when some expedition operators will encourage completely inexperienced climbers to join so they can fill their available spaces, but too often these expeditions have over 20 members! Part of the Lhotse-Nuptse-massif, the main ridge is joined to Lhotse by a 7556m high saddle made up of 7 peaks and goes west-northwest. Advanced Communication and Weather Forecasting. Climbers must be confident on crampons and be conversant with snow and ice techniques. PO Box 739, Wanaka 9343 Once on the ground in Nepal, you can expect to be well looked after by our guides so that you can relax and enjoy climbing in this amazing country. Ensure your backpack is large enough to fit all your gear into as well as cameras, mittens, food, water bottles and glasses/goggles etc. Remember photos are wonderful records of your expedition but keep your camera gear simple and light to best enjoy the trip you are on. Rest assured when you book with the expedition specialists here at Adventure Consultants we'll help by sending through advice on what you'll need, including: For further information check out our Travel and Rescue Insurance page or contact us. Sara is no stranger to heights, having lived at altitude in North America and enjoyed trekking in the Himalayas, NZ and Japan. Our Base Camp is very well appointed with a high level of comfort including your own walk-in sleeping tents with comfortable beds, high-quality food, a heated dining tent with chairs and couches and Wi-Fi access.