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Martin Cummins is a Canada Actor, who was born on in North Delta, British Columbia. Richard Anderson, Actor: Forbidden Planet.

Marriages. He even filled in for Charles Nelson Reilly on Match Game for one question when Reilly was late for a taping. Martin caught the acting bug in high school where he participated in the drama club. JOE: A Real American Hero vs. While starring on an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955), Hitchcock was so impressed by his work, that he offered him a key supporting role of Detective Milton Arbogast in Psycho (1960). In addition, Brick Bronsky says, “Money is the most precious element in life if you want to catch it easily do creative works.”, Your email address will not be published. One of his most recent film appearances was in the 1995 science-fiction B-movie T-Force in which he plays Dr. Gant, a Rudy Wells-like character who creates a team of terrorist-fighting androids who run amok. He won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Arnold Burns in A Thousand Clowns (1965). A corrupt fire chief and some unscrupulous investors are out to discover the formula and it's up to Steve Austin and the boy to stop them. The Bionic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.

Height. For the company, it indicates the whole value of it. He married his third wife, Irene Miller, in 1963. $4 million USD (2018) Richard Anderson. Timothy's reported annual income is about $70 - 79,999; with a net worth that tops $50,000 - $99,999.

After his Broadway success, he had a few minor television roles before his big break arrived when he joined the cast of On the Waterfront (1954). His work with Hitchcock opened him up to a world of other acting opportunities. In 1968, he won a Tony Award for his appearance in the 1967 Broadway production of You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running. He had recurring roles on some of the most popular television series of that time, including The United States Steel Hour (1953), The Philco Television Playhouse (1948), Goodyear Television Playhouse (1951) and Studio One (1948). We found records in 41 states. In early 1948, he was selected by Elia Kazan to be a member in the recently formed Actors Studio. He was eventually "promoted" to the status of "regular" in the last two seasons of both series. Directed by Cliff Bole. With Lee Majors, Richard Anderson, Martin E. Brooks, Lindsay Wagner. On February 13, 1996, Balsam died of a sudden stroke in his hotel room in Rome, Italy, while on vacation. $15 million USD (2017) Jill Wagner. The Six Million Dollar Man, The Martians Are Coming, the Martians Are Coming, All of Martin's television work in the 1950s did not go to waste. As of 2020, Josh Gracin’s net worth is $100,000 - $1M.

Balsam starred as Murray Klein on the All in the Family spin-off Archie Bunker's Place for two seasons (1979–81) and returned for a guest appearance in the show's fourth and final season. After the war, he was lucky to secure a position as an usher at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Martin Balsam was born on November 04, 1919 in  The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States, is Actor.

Martin Balsam Net Worth. He was 76. The Bionic Criminal required the services of Alan Oppenheimer as Rudy since it relied heavily on flashbacks from The Seven Million Dollar Man, in which Oppenheimer had appeared and switching between the two actors would have sacrificed continuity. In 1960, he appeared in one of his best-remembered roles as Detective Arbogast in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Data from; He soon developed a love for Italy, and lived there most of his remaining years. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Net Worth Verification Status: Not Verified, It represents the wealth of a person without having any debt.

That play was Tennessee Williams' "The Rose Tattoo". He was survived by his third wife Irene Miller and three children, Adam, Zoe and Talia. After a career that spanned more than fifty years, Martin Balsam died of natural causes in his beloved Italy at age 76.