leonardo notarbartolo

Leonardo Notarbartolo was 51 years old and his nickname was “the artist”. He didn't believe it could be robbed until the dealer went to extraordinary lengths to prove him wrong. One slip could cut through, instantly breaking the circuit and tripping the alarm. [citation needed]. As Notarbartolo drove back to Belgium, Peys and De Bruycker wondered whether they'd ever catch the thieves. He is considered to be the leader of a ring of Italian thieves called "La Scuola di Torino" (The School of Turin),[3][9] who carried out the crime. "Fully functional," the operator said, checking the signals coming in from the Diamond Center. "That's not so easy," Notarbartolo pointed out. Click Here for G Manifesto: The Complete Guide to Burglary. Still, it was hard to guess how long the trick would work. Heat sensors were blinded with Styrofoam boxes and light sensors with tape.

The other convicts in this eastern Belgian prison turn to look.
His wife decided to come along; she hadn't seen much of him lately. Notarbartolo asked, pointing at the replica vault. The heist wouldn’t be discovered until guards checked the vault on Monday morning. He viewed it as the safest place to keep valuables in Antwerp. When the video came to a halt and snapped into focus, there was an image of a tall, muscular Italian purchasing salami. Eventually, Notarbartolo pointed out the apartment. Notarbartolo sits down across from me at one of the visiting room's two dozen small rectangular tables. He tried to pretend that everything was normal.

Combination dial (0-99)2. The $20 million found by the thieves belonged to traders not in on the scam. Using a ladder he had previously hidden there, the Genius climbed up to a small terrace on the second floor. With each spin, the combination came to rest on a number. They could be anywhere by now: Brazil, Thailand, Russia.

The friend took off as Notarbartolo stalled for time, pretending to have trouble understanding French and claiming that he couldn't remember the exact address of his own apartment. They had to drop the bag immediately. That wasn't his problem. In the passenger seat, a man known as Speedy fidgeted nervously, damp with sweat. During the day, they travel from office to office in briefcases, coat pockets, and off-the-shelf rollies.

The vault was one of the hardest targets he'd ever seen. "The vault is secure.".

The vehicles rocketed past the guard gate at the entrance of the district, and the giant metal cylinders rose out of the ground behind them, blocking any further automotive access.