learning and thinking styles educational psychology

The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of teaching and learning style preferences and their match or mismatch on learners’ achievement. Learning and Thinking Styles: An analysis of their interrelationship and influence on academic achievement: Educational Psychology: Vol 20, No 4

As you might expect, the reflective style would seem better suited to many academic demands of school. It aimed to identify right-and left-brain thinkers and certain styles of learning (specifically visual, auditory, or kinesthetic) of pre-service mathematics teachers in relation to mathematics performance. [4] Cohen, A.D. and W eaver, S.J. Vark: Educational Psychology and Learning Styles. 3099067 International Journal of Computer Applications. A reflective style is the opposite: the person reacts more slowly and therefore makes fewer errors.

This research aims to examine the difference between the learning achievement of students with learning styles visual, auditory, and kinesthetic in Sub-district Sukun Malang. Associates, Publishers.

Teachers can incorporate these learning styles in their curriculum activities so that students are able to succeed in their classes.

... Educational Psychology, 24 (4), 419-441. On the other, to complete two modules employing the two mentioned, study was not successful in validating the, of the adults and their performance in verbal free-recall on a, researchers selected a group of 112 stu, instruction or memory instruction. Educational research in the field of learning style theory has demonstrated significant improvement in learning achievement when students are taught according to their learning style. Thinking‐aloud protocols were analysed on frequencies of study activities, thus representing process measures of learning styles. Zhang, L. & Sternberg, R. (2005).

The sample consisted of 310 English Major Students and four lecturers from the Foreign Languages Faculty of Azad University, Iran. The purpose of this study is to increase faculty awareness and understanding of the effect of learning styles on the teaching process. The experimental results show that the learner classification model is achieved in 83.8% of precision, 85.4% of recall and 85.5% of F-measure. SVM has been an outstandingly successful classifier in a wide variety of applications where balanced class data distribution is assumed. Different strokes for different folks? One who is field dependent and impulsive, on the other hand, can be encouraged and supported to try tasks and activities that are more social or spontaneous. Several thinking styles from Sternberg’s theory of self‐government were highly to moderately correlated with Felder’s learning styles. Following a review of the literature on learning styles and cognitive styles for both native speakers (NSS) and nonnative speakers (NNSS) of English, this article presents the results of a questionnaire that asked 1,388 students to identify their perceptual learning style preferences. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of Korean pop culture usage in Korean language learning activities.

... (Dryden & Voss, 1999) propose three learning styles, namely visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. This reflection was developed as part of the ERASMUS + research project IC-ENGLISH – Innovative Platform for Adult Language Education. ineffective when coping with imbalanced datasets whereby the majorityclass instances far outnumber the minority-class instances. Andrew K. Shenton and Andy Sherlaw explain how schools can help prepare students, Use metacognition for higher-level learning. Or put another way, it is good to support students’ preferred learning strategies where possible and appropriate, but neither necessary nor desirable to do so all of the time (Loo, 2004; Stahl, 2002). In the long run, in fact, he may learn it best by encountering the material in both ways, regardless of his habitual preferences. http://www.ldpride.net/learningstyles.MI.htm.

Developing the working memory of children with Down syndrome