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The couple exchanged their vows in the year 2005. Contact Us, Leyna Nguyen Wiki, Bio, Husband, Divorce and Boyfriend. 2020 WikiNetworth.com and All Rights Reserved

The pair were even spotted together in MacAfrica's Tribeca Los Angeles Soirée.

Leyna Nguyen poses with her boyfriend Kato Kaelin MacAfrica's Tribeca Los Angeles Soirée on 18 June 2015 (Photo: alarmy.com). She there hosted a quarterly program on Asian-American issues. This foundation assists refugees in Southern California and helps deprived school children in Vietnam. © Leyna Nguyen is a member of the following lists: Emmy Award winners, People from Los Angeles, California and American television personalities. Possessing the mesmerizing beauty with a captivating smile and wonderful physique, Leyna already has climbed the summit of success. Published contents by users are under Creative Commons License. Standing tall at the height of 5 feet and 4 inches, Leyna holds American nationality and belongs to Asian-American ethnicity as per the wiki. The two began dating after meeting in 2004, and the wedding took place in 2005. Leyna came to the United States in 1975. Besides journalism, she has a non-profit foundation called LOVE ACROSS THE OCEAN. Hobbies include cooking, music, and martial arts. But unfortunately, the relationship turned sour, and Leyna and her spouse decided to divorce each other. It might be astonishing but Leyna Nguyen is already a mother of two children, a daughter, and a son. The former television anchor was once married to Michael Muriano. The couple met each other in 2004, and after their meeting, they started seeing each other and soon started dating.

The newscaster and actress, Leyna Nguyen, was married once. But she was once Nguyen and Muriano also have two children together. According to some sources, Leyna reportedly has the estimated net worth of $500 thousand dollars. From Webster University in St. Louis, she received a degree in Mass Communications. She is an actress and producer, known for Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), The Day After Tomorrow (2004) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014). Category: TV Celebrity A collection of facts including wedding, Leyna Nguyen was born on December 13, 1970 in Dong Ha, Vietnam. Read Also: Jon Batiste Salary, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Gay. She has been married to Michael Muriano since April 11, 2005. Merritt Patterson Wiki, Married, Husband, Net Worth, Leslie Lopez Wiki, Age, Wedding, Husband, Salary, Jon Batiste Salary, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Gay.