jquery selector not working

Leading numbers do not valid id values make. I’m thinking the problem might be due to having an id named “1”, that was up to HTML 4. So their use is then restricted to being the destination of a link.

it will need to match what you have in the JavaScript Expression.

In this sample a chechbox with return 'red:yellow:others'  and fill with word 'Black' in the textfield. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. Kuzyo.

I am needing to find an HTML element with an id that comes from 2 different pieces of data. NetBeans IDE - ClassNotFoundException: net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver, CMSDK - Content Management System Development Kit, My javascript puzzle solving code takes too long to finish running [on hold], Trying to write a parsing script to extract Gmail email body data into a new cell within a locked column in Google sheets [on hold], tableExport : jQuery Plugin to Export HTML Tables, How to print applications config server property in pcf, jQuery UI draggable and sortable not working, Delay Toggling For One Of Multiple Elements in On Click, Using JSON-Object in jqueryUI autocomplete, Script to be executed in a Div loaded by Ajax.

I have a page that dynamically loads content with a .get request from clicking a button. var nextData = $(this).next().next().next().next().html(); However that is pretty fragile and relies on exact html being present so you would be better off finding the next item by its id instead. Then make sure that the corresponding Show/Hide actions are also correct and that they are affecting the correct text item. Double check the "Others" checkbox value.
I am doing it this way because jQuery doesn't allow selectors with spaces and you have to do it this way if you have an ID with spaces. Learn from thousands of experts, get answers to your questions and share knowledge with peers. Hi All, I am experiencing an issue.selector not finding the element in few situation.

Could you share the HTML this is being applied to? How do I override a JQuery (Datatable RowGroup) library function?

But didint work.

Function GetAccounts(clientId, clientType, counter)

Jan 03, 2013 09:12 AM | ultimate_senthil | LINK. I’m thinking the problem might be due to having an id named “1” This is very easy to overlook. I tried putting … I am needing to find an HTML element with an id that comes from 2 different pieces of data.

try this problem will solve it is string concatenation problem. Participant.

You can not post a blank message. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled.

I did try to get on the w3.org site, but they’re blocking our IP for some reason - not helpful at all for anyone with an interest in web stuff over here.
link Getters & Setters. Change the DA to act on your item (presumably P27_COLOR) and then set a condition of equal to whatever the value associated with Other is.

The ‘next’ (next()) element in your html construct is the** break** element which has no html inside.

jquery dostaje początkowy selektor za filtrem - jquery, filter, selector. Therefore care needs to be taken to avoid mishaps. Ionic 2 - how to make ion-button with icon and text on two lines?

below is the function I used to call. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Jquery .

Not is happening when I click checkbox. When user select "other" option i need to show another field to user fill it with a new option. The P27_PUBALVO_SEC is the item with all checkboxes, My Apex version is Application Express This topic was automatically closed 91 days after the last reply.

This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. As others have said ids should not begin with a number although the routine will stil work in your short example. When the method is called with a value as an argument, it's referred to as a setter because it sets (or assigns) that value. That spec has gone full circle then. red   green    yellow   others   ___Black___.