famous black psychologists today

Anna Freud, Psychoanalyst, Dies in London at 86. Chesler, P. (1972).

2, pp. Working at the interface of cultures: Eighteen lives in social science. The woman problem. American psychologist noted for her work on aesthetics.

She was also used as an expert witness in the. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. African philosophy: Foundations for a black psychology. She was later elected to the, American psychologist who was the first woman director, as well as the first African-American director, of the. Retrieved from, Melanie Klein. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Abramson, C. I. Social scientists for social justice: Making the case against segregation. "Leta Stetter Hollingworth."

Retrieved from, Hochman, S. K. "Leta Stetter Hollingworth." A tale of challenge and change: A history of ethnic minorities in psychology in the United States.

New York: Author. Richards, G. (1997).

In Feminist Voices online. (2006). Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 13. Toward the unimagined: Feminism and epistemology in psychology. Feminist scholarship has repeatedly demonstrated that how and what we come to know depends on who we are. Bryan, A. I., & Boring, E. G. (1947). The power of service: World War II and professional reform in the American Psychological Association. In New York Times Online.

Throughout history, there have been many women psychologists who have made significant contribution to the field. In American Psychological Association online. Below are the 30 most influential counseling psychologists alive today.

Tiefer, L. (1991). There are some legitimate reasons for this.


Retrieved from, Klien, A. (n.d.). She was the first American woman to receive a PhD in psychology.

History of Psychology, 7, 45-64. Warren, W. (1999).

Trimble, J. E. (2000). Psychology constructs the female.

3). Ms. Pilgrim’s progress: The contributions of Leta Stetter Hollingworth to the psychology of women. Children, race, and power. Shields, S. A. Retrieved from, philosophy of education that bears her name, http://www.feministvoices.com/mary-ainsworth/, "Estefania Aldaba-Lim - Psychology's Feminist Voices", http://www.apadivisions.org/division-35/about/heritage/magda-arnold-biography.aspx, http://www.feministvoices.com/magda-arnold/, "Nancy Bayley - Psychology's Feminist Voices", http://www.feministvoices.com/sandra-bem/, http://www.feministvoices.com/mary-whiton-calkins/, http://www.apa.org/about/governance/president/bio-mary-whiton-calkins.aspx, "Featured Psychologists: Mamie Phipps Clark, PhD, and Kenneth Clark, PhD", http://jwa.org/thisweek/apr/27/1944/helene-deutsch, http://www.feministvoices.com/helene-deutsch/, https://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/1203.html, http://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/07-08/gibson.aspx, "Florence Goodenough - Psychology's Feminist Voices", http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/biographies/holling.html, http://www.feministvoices.com/karen-horney/, http://www.apadivisions.org/division-35/about/heritage/melanie-klein-biography.aspx, http://www.feministvoices.com/melanie-klein/, "Christine Ladd-Franklin - Vassar College Encyclopedia - Vassar College", "Elizabeth Loftus: Falsifying memories | Mo Costandi", "Inside the Psychologist's Studio: Eleanor Maccoby", "Brenda Milner - Psychology's Feminist Voices", http://www.feministvoices.com/maria-montessori/, "Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon - Lise Østergaard", http://www.feministvoices.com/inez-beverly-prosser/, http://www.apa.org/monitor/2008/11/prosser.aspx, "Clara Stern - Psychology's Feminist Voices", "Featured psychologist: Reika True, Ph.D.", "The woman who rose from refugee to president", "Bluma Zeigarnik - Psychology's Feminist Voices", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_women_psychologists&oldid=967602565, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Recognized as the first clinical psychologist in the Philippines. Henley, N. M. (1977). Fifty years on: Brown v Board of Education and American psychology, 1954-2004 [Special issue].

Inez Beverly Prosser and the education of African Americans.

Who are the famous psychologists in America today?

Thompson, H. B. Comas-Diaz, L. (1991). Indigenous psychologies: Research and experience in cultural context.

10). Webster University. Francis Cecil Sumner: His views and influence on African American higher education. Capshew, J. H., & Hilgard, E. R. (1992). In D. A. Dewsbury, L. T. Benjamin, Jr., & M. Wertheimer (Eds.