jquery dialog position not working

Si es así, intente agregar esto a la PRIMERA línea de la etiqueta HEAD de su página: Pensé que todos los problemas de compatibilidad se solucionaron en jQueries posteriores, pero me encontré con este hoy. 1.Setting maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack=”true” does not make your dialog positioned to screen center, as document.ready event handled by jquery happened before the scroll position restore by web form, so what happens here is dialog is first positioned with no scroll, then the screen is restored to the scroll position where it should be, if you are unlucky, your dialog box will be totally out of the viewport. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. Hasta hoy estaba usando una versión muy antigua de jQuery, versión 1.8.2. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Wow, great, then you know what? Web Application Development and Engineering. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Here is the piece of code I used to try to move my dialog. i have now made it to work. Comments (RSS), Jquery Dialog Position Problem After Web Form Post Back, Adjacent Post Links Styling For WordPress, Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE) – Codelobster PHP Edition, Use Unity container in Controller of Owin Web api 2 hosted on web, Read claims principle from SignInResponseMessage of WSFederation, Service certificate and client certificate requirements. It turns out there are a few reasons that are behind this. There are other JavaScript debuggers... Make sure to include the latest jquery-ui, Yup It worked . He intentado seguir el código, pero solo coloca los cuadros de diálogo en la esquina superior izquierda hacia el centro, y eso hace que el elemento esté alineado a la derecha. The content must be between 30 and 50000 characters.

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This code works fine with jquery 1.6.something. The jQuery UI .position() method allows you to position an element relative to the window, document, another element, or the cursor/mouse, without worrying about offset parents.. ...With Chrome, you also can do step-by-step debugging with breakpoints, and inspect any variable/object. +1 416-849-8900 x 100.
In a normal browser window, jquery dialog is positioned in the screen center as default. + divClass).dialog('destroy'); true,

Thank you Briyan, This

Sin él, jquery tiende a poner el diálogo en la parte inferior de la página y pueden ocurrir errores al intentar arrastrarlo. evento jQuery: detecte cambios en el html/texto de un div. Do you need your, CodeProject, Inicializa un diálogo con la opción de posición especificada. Say twice the length of the screen area or more. El siguiente parámetro de posición funcionó para mí, Jquery UI 1.9.2, jquery y las versiones posteriores no son compatibles con IE8. >Entries (RSS) b, For example, when I was working with a dialog using the JQuery 1.7 and UI 1.8 libraries, I noticed that in certain situations the dialog window would sometimes randomly position itself, including positioning itself partially off the page it … 2.The solution would be to open your dialog after WebForm_SaveScrollPositionSubmit() , as I failed to find any documents about how web form events are arranged, I opt for another way that is to set the position of dialog.


Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.

En todas partes donde había usado dialog, lo había inicializado con la siguiente opción de posición: $.dialog({ position: "center" }); Sin embargo, encontré que eliminar position: "center" o reemplazarlo … Intenta esto para versiones anteriores y alguien que no quiera usar la posición: También debe realizar un recentrado manual si utiliza jquery ui en dispositivos móviles: el cuadro de diálogo se coloca manualmente a través de una propiedad css 'left & top'.

¿Puedo hacer un no enviar un formulario? setTimeout(function () { resizable: false, While a look at the code of ui.dialog.js(1.7.2) the implementation of _position function, I found the answers of all my questions. I am using firebug. click: function () { jQuery("." Hi there may I quote some of the content here in this blog if I provide a link back to your site? Another lesson I have learned is when you construct your position object for dialog, the x and y must be int.

Estoy obteniendo los mejores resultados para colocar el diálogo de jQuery en el centro de la ventana del navegador con: Probablemente haya una forma más precisa de posicionarlo con la opción " usando " como se describe en la documentación en http://api.jqueryui.com/position/ pero tengo prisa ... . My dialog width is 880, but I do not know the height of my dialog, and do not mind just to position it 100px down from screen top.