may 2 zodiac sign

Venus is one of the seven classical planets that can be seen with the naked eye. Being smart, with strong mental powers, you respect experience and knowledgeable people. Being both honest and direct as well as possessing natural diplomatic skills, you present a friendly image to the world and can project success. You can answer this poll and see what others think: May 2 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of TAURUS (April 30-May 10).

The Sun is in the sign of … Famous people who share your birthday include singer Bing Crosby, film director Satyajit Ray, child expert Benjamin Spock, and Bianca Jagger. An even numbered sign, this is full of negative polarity and attached to a feminine symbolism. You may like to show your affection by frequently touching your partner in some way. An expensive shaving kit for the man and a pair of emerald earrings for the woman. Your home, therefore, becomes an important part of your life agenda, and you are likely to make efforts to have it attractive and comfortable. In your attempt to please, you may run the risk of becoming overly dependent. With the supporting influence of the Sun in the Virgo decanate, you also have a natural flair for gaining material resources. This birthstone is beneficial for the heart, lungs, pancreas and eyesight and is also said to be a great immune booster.

They are brave about the choices they make in life. You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Capricorn: This relationship has good prospects. Alamak bestows artistic and musical talent, a good voice, and social popularity. In love, you are honest, open and loyal.

You make patient and supportive friends. In love, you are honest, open and loyal. In the Gregorian Calendar, May 2 is the 122nd day of the year or the 123rd day in leap years, while until the end of the year there are 243 days left. In whichever career you choose, adopt the commitment to success of David Beckham, another of your celebrity birthday twins. As a gifted communicator, you could capture audiences as a lecturer, teacher or writer, not unlike Dr. Benjamin Spock, who was also born on May 2nd. They will just not stop at being average. Get to know Chinese Zodiac story. Usually you are willing to work hard to support your strong desire for security and expensive tastes. You have all of the essential qualities to make an ideal partner, and you will be married possibly a few times. Victoria Beckham Since the zodiac animal cycle of 12 is divisible by two, every zodiac sign can occur only as either Yin or Yang. They have good memory. A natural curiosity suggests that you are always seeking answers; combined with your imaginative intellect, this suggests that you are likely to be interested in mysticism or spirituality. As for health, they catch colds easily and suffer from neck pain as they grow older because, as a sign, they are quite sensible in these areas. It is your tact and diplomacy that is appreciated so greatly by friends, family members and coworkers. The symbols for May include Emerald and Aquamarine as gemstones, the Lilly of the Valley as plant and the roman goddess of spring. Element: Earth. Poppy is the flower defined for May 2 and in general for Taurus natives. They are both stable of character and kind, but also possibly of great self-confidence and stubbornness, which only grows more prominent as they age. They are a person of strong feelings. While you may prefer not to be close to a lot of people, this does not change the fact that others greatly enjoy your company. There are many challenges of finding the perfect career, but you are fortunate enough to have natural talents that can translate into success in a variety of fields. May 2 birthday personality believes in perfection.