a colossal discovery 2020

Archaeologists made an extraordinary discovery this week when they uncovered a pristine mosaic that’s been hidden underneath feet of soil since the 3rd century.

A Colossal Discovery was the first paid in-game event for Pokémon Go.. July 2020 is tied as the second-warmest July on record, with a record low Arctic sea ice extent for the month, ... 16 September – Astronomers report the discovery, for the first time, of a very massive Jupiter-sized planet, named WD 1856 b, closely orbiting, every 36 hours, a tiny white dwarf star, named WD 1856+534, a left-over remnant of an earlier much larger sun-like star. 12,900 cal B.P. "Astronomers discover South Pole Wall, a gigantic structure stretching 1.4 billion light-years across", "A 'regime shift' is happening in the Arctic Ocean, scientists say", "Changes in phytoplankton concentration now drive increased Arctic Ocean primary production", "Earth's Moon Had Magma Ocean for 200 Million Years | Space", "A long-lived magma ocean on a young Moon", "New solar material could clean drinking water", "Solar-trackable super-wicking black metal panel for photothermal water sanitation", "Scientists achieve first complete assembly of human X chromosome", "Telomere-to-telomere assembly of a complete human X chromosome", "Bacteria with a metal diet discovered in dirty glassware", "Bacteria that eats metal accidentally discovered by scientists", "Bacterial chemolithoautotrophy via manganese oxidation", "Global methane emissions soar to record high", "Blood iron levels could be key to slowing ageing, gene study shows", "Multivariate genomic scan implicates novel loci and haem metabolism in human ageing", "Researchers discover 2 paths of aging and new insights on promoting healthspan", "Largest-ever 3D map of the universe released by scientists", "No need to Mind the Gap: Astrophysicists fill in 11 billion years of our universe's expansion history", "Multiplanet system around sunlike star photographed for 1st time ever - The two newly imaged planets are huge — 14 and 6 times more massive than Jupiter", "First active leak of sea-bed methane discovered in Antarctica", "Two Directly Imaged, Wide-orbit Giant Planets around the Young, Solar Analog TYC 8998-760-1", "Earliest evidence for humans in the Americas", "Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum", "Riddles in the cold: Antarctic endemism and microbial succession impact methane cycling in the Southern Ocean", "Chemists make tough plastics recyclable", "Cleavable comonomers enable degradable, recyclable thermoset plastics", "Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks", "Paper describing hummingbird-sized dinosaur retracted", "Retraction Note: Hummingbird-sized dinosaur from the Cretaceous period of Myanmar", "ATel #13895: ASASSN-20hx is a Hard Tidal Disruption Event Candidate", "Atel #13893: Classification of ASASSN-20hx as a Tidal Disruption Event Candidate", "Sci-fi foretold social media, Uber and Augmented Reality, offers insights into the future - Science fiction authors can help predict future consumer patterns", "Citizen robots:biopolitics, the computer, and the Vietnam period", "Lessons from science fiction: Frederik Pohl and the robot prosumer", "Machine learning reveals recipe for building artificial proteins", "Artificial intelligence identifies prostate cancer with near-perfect accuracy", "An artificial intelligence algorithm for prostate cancer diagnosis in whole slide images of core needle biopsies: a blinded clinical validation and deployment study", "These Microbes May Have Survived 100 Million Years Beneath the Seafloor - Rescued from their cold, cramped and nutrient-poor homes, the bacteria awoke in the lab and grew", "Aerobic microbial life persists in oxic marine sediment as old as 101.5 million years", "World's largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly in France", "Nobel prize-winning work is concentrated in minority of scientific fields", "NA62 experiment at CERN reports first evidence for ultra-rare process that could lead to new physics", "Voltage-induced ferromagnetism in a diamagnet", "Work honored by Nobel prizes clusters heavily in a few scientific fields", "Mystery solved: Scientists trace source of Stonehenge boulders", "Origins of the sarsen megaliths at Stonehenge", "Canadian ice caps disappear, confirming 2017 scientific prediction", "Texas cave sediment upends meteorite explanation for global cooling", "Volcanic origin for Younger Dryas geochemical anomalies ca. Per chi volesse saperne di più ✨. “If we account for all the matter and energy that we’re familiar with,” says Neil deGrasse Tyson, “and measure up how much… | September 10, 2020