information visualization examples

The fields vary in colors and their intensity, with vibrant orange symbolizing the biggest growth and dark blue the biggest decline. Hans Rosling, famous data scientist and visualization Ted Talker is a huge proponent of showing time as graphic movement. With easy-to-use data visualization software more and more companies can create eye-catching visualizations on their own.

The science of fracking has been butchered by politicians on both sides. The Dawn Wall is The New York Times’ best interactive data visualization on the astonishing 19-day free climb in Yosemite National Park in California. We had a hard time rounding out our list. Scatter chart at the bottom displays the local price of a Big Mac (expressed in the current base currency) against GDP per person in that country. Big Mac burger represents a standardized product that includes input costs from various areas, such as agricultural commodities (beef, bread, lettuce, cheese), labor (blue and white collar workers), advertising, rent and real estate costs, transportation etc., and therefore is representative of the general state of the local economy.
Fortunately, there are many data visualization and business intelligence tools available to you at very little cost. Do you know of another data visualization that should be on our list?

As the volume of data available to us increases exponentially in every field of endeavor – information visualization is becoming increasingly important as a skill in the workplace and in academia. In this visualization the Pew Research Center aims to help illustrate how our nation is changing over time in an effort to forecast the challenges we may face in the near future. This data visualization from the Washington Post shows how much of your life the U.S. has been at war, and which wars the U.S. has been fighting during your lifetime. Mapping disease data like this enables researchers to explore the relationship between a disease and geography. The pioneering visual is regarded by many as the “greatest statistical graphic ever drawn” and while such a statement is subjective, it’s nothing short of inspirational. By gathering data from over 7.2 million electronic medical records, General Electric created an entertaining presentation about the prevalence of health symptoms and the symptoms commonly associated with each other. Infectious Diseases and The Impact of Vaccines. By leaving out some data points, the chart that normally would be filled with dips and spikes, looks much smoother and more stable. Interactive interfaces make it possible even for non-technical users to create actionable charts. Newcomers to the topic can still spot trends and learn the basics, while experts in the field can drill down deeper into the data for more insight. This data visualization from Slate provides a quick look at the complex relationships between countries and groups fighting in Syria. The makers rated the team based on Elo, a measure of strength based on game-by-game results. 16. This data visualization from the New York Times presents a comprehensive and detailed look at how the Recession reshaped the economy. Humans are visual creatures. From customized white papers to interactive ebooks, content is no longer a one-size-fits-all solution. This data visualization from FlowingData analyzed and illustrated microdata from …
Sales Area Mapping: What is it and Why is it Important? Wrapping Up.

Worldshapin is one of the world’s most unique interactive data visualization. For example, you could show a graph that states “70% of people who use homeopathy feel better than those who don’t” but omit the fact that “70% of people who take a placebo feel better than those who don’t”. The Berliner Morgenpost’s EuropaKarte is a detailed map which provides viewers with detailed insights into the population growth and decline in Europe. Simple, striking, effective, and informational, this is certainly one of the best data visual examples in existence, and its message is as engaging as it is informational, offering key insights into optimizing our daily routines for enhanced success. Designers often need to convey information to the users of their designs. People want to see how they fit into the big picture, where they stand on the shifting terrain. 3-Digit Zip Code Maps: What Are They and Why Are They Useful? The first of our interactive data visualization examples will be this clean, simple interactive diagram that displays the results of Transparency International’s Corruption Survey data. It would take years for the rest of London to believe him. Dr. It’s worth a thousand words.” Tess Flanders, Journalist and Editor, Syracuse Post Standard, 1911. The creators made the visualization because they wanted to find out which trees were more and less common across the five boroughs of New York City.