consular department ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since 2004. The Decree states the current priorities of diplomatic work and describes in detail a broad programme of specific actions. And, of course, this day reminds us again about the great responsibility, we have to our state and society, to each Russian national. In 1718-1720, the Ambassadorial Department was transformed into the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. 10.00 am to 12.00 pm and 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm and 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm, Head of Reception Office (Head of the Department): Andrey Dvornikov, tel. Due to the establishment of the Soviet Union the RSFSR's PCFA was reorganised into the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Two State Secretaries were deputies or assistants to the minister. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MID) is a federal executive body responsible for drafting and implementing government policy and legal regulation in the field of foreign relations of the Russian Federation. Ministry for Foreign Affairs PO Box 176 FI-00023 Government Finland. On the same day, a Decree was issued on the preservation of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (PFA), which functioned before this as a foreign service. The professional holiday of Russian diplomats is a tribute to the many generations of our predecessors, who served our Homeland with good faith and fidelity. If 535 officials were registered in the MFA, only 134 established posts were preserved at Alexander Gorchakov's time. %%EOF �_0�`�V!�$�!��z_3<8n��5�yJ�|Bk�+ ��k��^�����-Ak��_,p�\��g�ʨ�o�% The foundations of the foreign policy strategy of our country, by which the ministry guides itself in its everyday activities, are laid down in the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the new revision of which was approved by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on the 12 June 2008. Has command of English, French and Sinhalese. The majority of diplomats know, as a rule, two foreign languages, feel at ease in the reality of modern foreign policy, can work with mass media at a proper level, and can handle issues of world culture and science. ��M�h ^ݼ���r�v�*���n����6�0��^@�e��]�X!��K�sB�E9. The President of the Russian Federation oversees the activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Therefore, a careful and respectful attitude towards our historical heritage is one of the vital elements of formation of the new generations of Russian diplomats. The Collegium as a governing body of the people's commissariat was restored. 1976-1981 – worked in the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.