titanium alloy properties

However, the high cost of both raw materials and processing limit their use to military applications, aircraft, spacecraft, bicycles, medical devices, jewelry, highly stressed components such as connecting rods on expensive sports cars and some premium sports equipment and consumer electronics.
Titanium alloys are critical to the aerospace industry, while also being used in medical, chemical …

This heat treatment process is carried out after the alloy has been worked into its final shape but before it is put to use, allowing much easier fabrication of a high-strength product. For many important high-tech applications, titanium alloys are used, such as rotating and stati… The magnesium reacts with the titanium chloride, stripping the chloride and producing elemental titanium and magnesium chloride. Different alloys are named according to the weight percentage of Nickel, e.g.

See the sub-article on titanium applications. Ti-6Al-4V's poor shear strength makes it undesirable for bone screws or plates. The heat treatment cycles for beta alloys differ significantly from those for the alpha and alpha-beta alloys.

Titanium alloys are critical to the aerospace industry, while also being used in medical, chemical and military hardware, and sporting equipment. Elements used in this alloy are one or more of the following other than titanium in varying amounts.

Phase compositions, sizes, and distributions of phases in alpha-beta alloys can be manipulated within certain limits by heat treatment, thus permitting tailoring of properties.
Ti6Al4V is an alpha-beta alloy and the most widely used of all the titanium alloys. Alpha and near-alpha alloys cannot be dramatically changed by heat treatment. For specific terminology, please see our ‘definitions’ section at the end of this page.

Beta titanium is nowadays largely utilized in the orthodontic field and was adopted for orthodontics use in the 1980s.

The ASTM International standard on titanium and titanium alloy seamless pipe references the following alloys, requiring the following treatment: "Alloys may be supplied in the following conditions: Grades 5, 23, 24, 25, 29, 35, or 36 annealed or aged; Grades 9, 18, 28, or 38 cold-worked and stress-relieved or annealed; Grades 9, 18, 23, 28, or 29 transformed-beta condition; and Grades 19, 20, or 21 solution-treated or solution-treated and aged.

The higher the oxygen and iron content, the higher the Titanium has outstanding corrosion resistance to seawater, and thus is used in propeller shafts, rigging and other parts of boats that are exposed to seawater. It is stronger than common, low-carbon steels, but 45% lighter. Titanium alloys maintain the same strength and resistance to oxidation but gain greater flexibility and versatility in combination with the steel.