good javascript code examples

One framework.Mobile & desktop. Despite the small size all the building blocks are there: a template engine, router, event library and a strict MVP pattern to keep things organized. For example, shown below is the code of the external file hello.js: document.write("Hello World!") Earn certifications. While JavaScript contains design patterns that are exclusive to the language, many classical design patterns can also be implemented.

It provides a structural representation of the document, enabling you to modify its content and visual presentation by using a scripting language such as JavaScript. Mostly I interesting in simple front end projects, I want to fasten Javascript skills for now (I watched a lot tutorials, but I guess still best way for me to learn analyse other ppl code). Kiwi.js is a fun and friendly Open Source HTML5 Game Engine. Hoisting: On runtime, all var and function declarations are moved to the beginning of each function (its scope) - this is known as Hoisting. Rot.js is a set of JavaScript libraries, designed to help with a roguelike development in browser environment. All the inputs are mandatory and email address entered should be in correct format. and produces nasty side effects: Beware that numbers can accidentally be converted to strings or NaN (Not a

SQL Created by Sinon.JS community, A test helper to mock functions and the XHR object, maintained by Leo Balter, Test runner with asynchronous tests, maintained by Sindre Sorhus, Painless JavaScript Testing, maintained by Facebook. Anonymous functions are functions that are dynamically declared at runtime. Until recently, what I used were just literal objects and bits of jQuery but after reading Douglas Crockford’s “JavaScript: The Good Parts” I now fully realize that there’s more to JavaScript than AJAX, DOM modifications and simple animation. Source: Understanding Loose Typing in JavaScript. Therefore, those blocks will share the same scope as the function which contains them. That's how I found most of these resources. GSAP is the fastest full-featured scripted animation tool on the planet. Learn to code at home. We just gather all the articles, tips, and tricks from top developers and put it here.

The best library I’ve seen from the point of code organization and using of patterns is Google Closure Library.

See more at Mozilla Developer Network - DOM. Posted by: admin LycheeJS is a JavaScript Game library that offers a complete solution for prototyping and deployment of HTML5 Canvas, WebGL or native OpenGL(ES) based games inside the Web Browser or native environments. It is very well maintained and updated, and has a good-sized community backing it. No dependencies, works with any unit testing framework. It means that it needs an "interpreter". JavaScript: The Right Way by William Oliveira.Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Based on work at

Browsers not supporting strict mode will run strict mode code with different behavior from browsers that do, so don't rely on strict mode without feature-testing for support for the relevant aspects of strict mode. Following the new annual release cycle, ES7/ES2016 has been adopted in June 2016. Very popular JavaScript client-side framework, built by @jashkenas. Phaser is based heavily on Flixel. argument is set to Nowadays the best tool for linting your JavaScript code is JSHint. Thank you guys for making this real! This is a guide intended to introduce new developers to JavaScript and help experienced developers learn more about its best practices. jQuery Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide a ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text. Panda.js is a HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop with Canvas and WebGL rendering. In case of JavaScript, the interpreter is the browser. Maybe the most used and recommended is the Google Code Style Guide for JavaScript, but we recommend you read Idiomatic.js. By default, JavaScript moves all declarations to the top (JavaScript Hoisting). All variables used in a function should be declared as local variables. Personally I think what Crockford calls pseudo classical is easiest to read and maintain since 4 of the 5 other programming languages I know use classes (java, c#, python, and php. Undefined values can break your code. Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, Java and XML.

We just gather all the articles, tips, and tricks from top developers and put it here. perl’s the oddball here with no classes either). values to arguments. Meteor is an open-source platform for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you're an expert developer or just getting started. Goo is a 3D JavaScript gaming engine entirely built on WebGL/HTML5. Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript, Functions are first class objects in JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript’s Function.prototype.bind, Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE), New development has stopped since August 29th, 2014, Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Older browsers support at least ECMAScript 3. As of 2012, all modern browsers fully support ECMAScript 5.1. Raw JavaScript Can Always Be Quicker Than Using a Library .