godsmack album cover girl

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are virtually no photographs of me between the ages of five and 18 at all.”, However, Tiller eventually overcame her fear and briefly enjoyed a stint as a self-portrait photographer. Daredevil Tattoo This new line-up wasted little time in hitting the studio, recording their first album, All Wound Up, later that same year. Your email address will not be published. recently checked in on what the girl from Deftones' Around The Fur cover and the kid from Rage Against The Machine's Evil Empire, and now they're on to Godsmack's 1998 self-titled debut record.

Snackable content that delights, informs and entertains. Well, the pierced lips and nose, closely-cropped red hair and dramatic eyeliner belonged to a woman named Toni Tiller. ", Kerrang! Kill Bunnie 23, Godsmack Cover Girl aka Toni Tiller: He’s quoted as saying, “We had been selling maybe 50 copies a month at the time WAAF picked up the album. Tiller went on to add, “You knew things were just f***** up beyond comprehension when one of us would die and the rest of us would still go out that night. Godsmack just announced a North American tour for 2019 with Volbeat. Michelle Myles Frontman Erna recruited bassist Robbie Merrill, guitarist friend Lee Richards and drummer Tony Stewart to form a group originally known as The Scam. I met a photographer in Brooklyn and we were trying a few things out for a project of his and we snapped that image.”, “A few years later he was working with the band and they saw that in his book and liked it, so they purchased it for use,” former model Tiller then continued. As well as helping to put the nu-metal genre on the map, Godsmack’s debut also thrust a previously unknown club girl into the spotlight. haha Nice to meet you Michelle.
magazine to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Godsmack’s release, Tiller revealed how she ended up on its cover. The next thing I know I’m getting calls and messages about the photo. Tiller told the rock magazine in 2018, “I was living in NYC and deeply involved in the club kid scene. that by 1998 she was already used to being the center of attention. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter E-mail. Overdoses were common, and eventually it all ended abruptly and badly with a murder and tax evasion issues. Her name is Toni Tiller. In an interview with magazine The Reader, Erna discussed how proud he was that the band achieved their early success in such an organic way. To alleviate concerns, the group and their Universal/Republic label ensured that all future copies of the record featured a Parental Advisory sticker. However, two decades on, things are a little different. A Boston disc jockey named Rocko then helped to put one of its tracks, “Keep Away,” on the playlist of radio station WAAF. The next ting I know, my face everywhere. She said, “I was a known club kid in the downtown scene at the time, so it wasn’t uncommon for people to want to put the look to use.”, In fact, one particular admirer of Tiller’s image even made her a lookalike doll. How did you become the model for this album? For one thing, she now has no hair. Was the image in any way altered or embellished?

Tiller explains to Kerrang! Scribol has built a large and loyal audience that now numbers 20MM visitors per month, making it #pitcherpl. The man in question had contacted the latter retail giant after discovering that his son had bought the profanity-laden LP at one of its stores. “The next thing I know, my face [is] everywhere. You can sort of tell it’s a little crusty. The seeds for Godsmack were sown in 1995 when long-time drummer Sully Erna decided he wanted to take a bit more of the limelight. | Help Wanted | Advertising Info | Contact Us | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy, Metal Injection is a proud member of the Blast Beat, Heavy Metal Advertising Network, Sponsors: Buy Instagram Followers | Buy Instagram Followers | Free Instagram Likes. She admitted, “I like doing things just for the sake of doing them, and oftentimes the results border on being irrelevant.