famous photojournalist

Gina Lollobrigida. Gillian also photographs women in the military, her own family, and international trib… Robert Frank.

Top 10 Photojournalists 1. Eddie Adams. Margaret Bourke-White.

This image is another Pulitzer … She was one of the highest profile European actresses of the 1950s and early 1960s, a period in which she was an international sex symbol. Margaret Bourke-White. As her film career slowed, she established second careers as a photojournalist and sculptor.

Kevin Carter’s controversial photo – Starving Child and Vulture | 1993.

27 Most Famous Photographers You Need To Know (2020 Update) Often... 3.

Robert Frank was born in Switzerland and ever since his work entitled Les Americains was published, he... 2. Luigina Lollobrigida (born July 4, 1927) is an … In her documentary, she focuses on a Georgian community that has segregated proms. She’s known for her documentary Southern Rites and her life-changing photo projects.

Luigina Lollobrigida (born July 4, 1927) is an Italian actress, photojournalist and sculptor. A Pulitzer Prize winner, Eddie Adams was an American photojournalist. Counted amongst the famous photographers, he served in United State Marine Corps, as a combat photographer during the Korean war. Gillian is a New York-based photographer and director. Portrait of Margaret Bourke-White with some of her photo gear, captured by … Birthplace: Subiaco, Italy. Like many on this list, Eddie Adams’ name is well-known and attached to one specific photograph.

Age: 91.