node js remove event listener

4. removeListener (event, listener) Removes a listener from the listener array for the … Basically the event queue works. removeListener ( 'open' , doSomething ) Note: To remove event handlers, the function specified with the addEventListener() method must be an external function, like in the example above (myFunction). The removeEventListener() method removes an event handler that has been attached with the addEventListener() method. You can easily remove an event listener by using the removeEventListener () method. You can do this by saving the callback function to a variable, when added, so you can reference it later: const doSomething = ( ) => { } door . How can I get the event listener do interrupt the console.log() chain at the end of my script?

Under the hood, when the event is emitted and received by a listener that uses once (), Node.js automatically removes the listener and then executes the code in the callback function. The zmq_controller_pub.send emits the request to my external script and the response arrives at node.js emitting an node.js event which fires the event listener defined above.
Current output is like the following:

However, it can be reattached.Calling removeEventListener() with arguments that do not identify any currently registered EventListener on the EventTarget has no effect. Remove a specific listener. on ( 'open' , doSomething ) door . An EventListener will not be invoked for the event it was registered for after being removed. Let’s see once () in action by editing firstListener.js: If an EventListener is removed from an EventTarget while it is processing an event, it will not be triggered by the current actions.