electronic distribution channels

“The Web is not about push; it’s about suck – On-line consumers can suck out of cyberspace whatever interests them and leave behind whatever doesn’t.” What does this mean to on-line service marketers? First-time home buyers rarely understand the complex set of services (inspection, title services, insurance) and processes (securing a mortgage, offers and counteroffers, escrow) that will be involved in their purchases. Prohibited Content 3. With quick customer feedback, changes can be made rapidly to service assortments, problems can be addressed immediately, and the learning cycles of companies can speed up dramatically. To combat these problems, firewalls and other software scan for unusual activity. Copyright 10. (i) Customer Choice and Ability to Customise – Consider the options that will be available in movies and videos to customers who use video on demand services. They help you reach the customer in a way to maximise your revenue and brand awareness. (b) Communications can also enhance customer satisfaction during the consumption phase by providing information about the procedure. Indirect channels can be classified into three types: When a manufacturer uses more than one marketing channel simultaneously to reach the end user, he is said to be using the dual distribution strategy. (iv) Wide Distribution – Electronic channels do more than allow the service provider to interact with a large number of end users. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management, Channels of Distribution: Definition and Characteristics | Products | Marketing, Communication: Meaning and Elements | Marketing, Service Recovery: Meaning, Recovery Paradox Theory and Stages | Service Marketing, Problems Associated with Marketing Channels | Marketing Management, Electronic Channels of Service Distribution, How to Mitigate Interest Rate Risk? Whereas goods can typically be compared in retail settings, few retail settings exist that offer services from multiple sources. They make service provision possible at some times, improbable at others, and difficult to predict. For long-run impact, all three must be consistent. Unfortunately, this is rarely sufficient, and customers defect because they can neither understand the process nor appreciate the value received from the service. Factors Responsible for Service Communication Problems. In cases of customers being geographically dispersed or residing in a different country, manufacturers are suggested to use indirect channels. Even though direct selling eliminates the intermediary expenses and gives more control in the hands of the manufacturer, it adds up to the internal workload and raises the fulfilment costs. One of the traditional differences between goods and services has been the difficulty of directly comparing features and prices of services with each other. If you consider what you missed in learning that way compared with learning directly from a professor, you will understand this challenge. For example, bakers, jewellers, etc. What they do require is some predesigned service (almost always information, education, or entertainment) and an electronic vehicle to deliver it. Factors Responsible for Service Communication Problems 4. 5. With eavesdropping, hackers snoop on information as it passes through multiple computers to the Internet. Some examples of direct channels are peddling, brand retail stores, taking orders on the company’s website, etc. One of the most promising approaches, called “permission-based marketing,” is a method of enticing customers to visit websites for the payback they receive. Firms not in the consumer’s evoked set are unlikely to be chosen. For consumers who are not brand loyal, communications can impact the choice of service firms. In choosing a desired firm image, the will desire to consider both the customer value package and Metro’s sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). Considerable changes — in the willingness to search for information, in the willingness to perform some aspects of the services themselves, in the acceptance of different levels of service — are necessary when customers use electronic channels. In this phase, communications can be used to accomplish two objectives –. (v) Quick Customer Feedback – Rapid customer feedback is undoubtedly one of the major strengths of e-commerce. Come on! It is similar to the challenge advertisers face in using print media such as TV Guide — the advertiser has to be careful to separate its advertising for banking from the ever-present ads for balding concealment devices and quick weight loss programs. Inexperienced customers, by definition, may not understand how to use services correctly.