family life 100 years ago

Researchers Jody Heymann, Alison Earle, and Jeffrey Hayes of McGill and Harvard Universities report that 107 other countries in the world protect working women’s right to breastfeed on the job; 137 countries mandate paid annual leave, with 121 of these countries guaranteeing two weeks or more each year; 134 have laws that fix the maximum length of the work week; 49 guarantee leave for major family events, such as marriages or funerals; and 145 countries provide paid leave for short- or long-term illnesses. Laura is a writer, illustrator, and artist living in New York City. In the 1970’s Congress passed the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. It was just about a century ago, however, with World War I that public access to the White House began in earnest. And yet, nothing happens so suddenly that one can’t trace the timeline of what we’ve been conditioned to accept as “progress” and see the points of no return. Some of the jobs women were employed in included: bank clerks, ticket sellers, elevator operators, chauffeur, street car conductor, railroad trackwalker, section hand, locomotive wiper and oiler, locomotive dispatcher, block operator, draw bridge attendant, and employment in machine shops, oil mills, powder and ammunition factories, airplane works, boot blacking and farming.

And speaking of questionable medical practices, in 1915, you could get pretty much any drug over the counter at your local pharmacy — including heroin and morphine. Those taking these public domain images for use on Pinterest, please credit the website

His parents bought an 84-acre farm in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, in 1927. Single mothers have less time to spend with their families than married mothers, but they too have significantly increased their time with children. Instead, we must build on the very real gains we’ve made while recognizing the new dilemmas we face—dilemmas that require policy solutions as well as individual effort.

Progress. It would be another thirty years before there was air-conditioning installed and a balcony above it, leading out from the private family quarters. can influence sometimes in a good way or sometimes in a bad one. A corner of the President’s dressing room, when Will and Nellie Taft shared the bedroom that would be, for so long, designated as the “First Lady’s Bedroom” starting in 1929 with the Hoovers. President Taft enjoyed shopping out among the people, without any Secret Service protection. Within a few short years, there were more than 500 stations across America. But it also allowed some men to refuse marriage if a partner became pregnant because having their child out of wedlock no longer carried such severe consequences. And women’s economic dependence remained so pervasive that most women had to marry as much for practicality as for love, and had little option to leave an unfair, unsatisfactory marriage. Take a look at these candid, rarely seen photos of the royal family. Starting with John and Julia Tyler in 1844, every single President and First Lady would be photographed and (except for one holdout) the public came to naturally expected to see what they looked like in newspapers and magazines by the end of the century. One of the new, spare West Wing reception waiting rooms. Life was very different 100 years ago, but maybe not quite so different as to be immediately obvious. Premium REVELIST - President Taft on his beloved golf course, the first to make it a habit. Rare color image of Wilson and his new wife. Taft turns over the presidency to Woodrow Wilson, Inauguration Day 1913. The house was no longer casually guarded. In Belgium, France, and Italy, nearly all children are enrolled in full-day, quality preschools from the age of three until they begin primary school.