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Just check out the repo, switch to the ‘multiple-connections’ branch and type ‘grade assemble’. Did you add the Advanced Options and turned it on? > We should not check this in until we have build implementations for all > WebKit developers. > { > Are WebSockets headers case sensitive? > WebCore::WebSocketResponse& resp) Multiple web-sockets in the same thread group, https://bitbucket.org/pjtr/jmeter-websocket-samplers/src/multiple-connections/, Downloaded the repository to local machine and extracted the zip folder. at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.AddToTree.doAction(AddToTree.java:67) ~[ApacheJMeter_core.jar:5.3] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:728) ~[? > +size_t WebSocketHandshake::serverHandshakeLength() const Transmits data to the server over the WebSocket connection. > platforms, since WEB_SOCKETS is enabled on all platforms. > headers themselves would do the job. Then I added it in lib/ext of my apache jmeter folder.

> + } > at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93) [? > not sure. > + Fix windows build to. One thnng that bothers me is I downloaded the zip but every other folder in lib/ext are jar folders, You should extract the zip, build the project (with gradle assemble) and then in the build directory move the jar to the lib/ext directory. > > We should not check this in until we have build implementations for all An event listener to be called when an error occurs. Then you get an extra option called ‘Connection ID’. > +#include "JSWebSocket.h" :1.8.0_202] > worried whether it was done for the right reasons now, and I'm worried if other > + if (url().hasFragmentIdentifier()) {

Our application manages multiple websocket servers that interact at the same time so I would need to be able to open and keep open multiple WS at the same time to be able to use them in parallel. > What is the good way to handle overflow? > pairs" would be better. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. > be that it has been received in full).

> There are many style issues in protocol implementation, I'm not pointing out Example Websocket usage with Sapui5. > suggestions though. If you make a fix in master because of a bug or new feature, will that also be merged in this branch? The number of bytes of data that have been queued using calls to but not yet transmitted to the network. > Should I add the implementation in this patch, or ok in another patch? > And, of course, you should stick around to make sure the build goes green after > to understand or maybe even misleading. > This should be either "blob" if DOM.

Did you download the right branch? at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.ActionRouter.performAction(ActionRouter.java:87) ~[ApacheJMeter_core.jar:5.3] > > What are fragment identifiers good for when using WebSockets? I'm not sure if this spec provision makes

> + case WebSocketHandshake::Redirect: Because I need multiple connections per thread and if the connection id is per thread group and not per thread it will interfere.

> anonymous namespaces.

> +static bool hadServerHandshake(const char* start, const char* end) > +bool IsValidProtocolString(const WebCore::String& protocol) :1.8.0_202] > I didn't closely review all the code; please fix style, possibly using > + builder.append(url().fragmentIdentifier()); > I cannot reproduce this. >