puffins on mull

They gorge full of fish, Change is, of course, inevitable but regrettable in some ways. Iain, a native of Mull, founded Turus Mara in 1973 after ten-years in the Merchant Navy. The definition of a well-balanced Scotsman is said to be “a man with a chip on both shoulders!”.

It is the fourth largest Scottish island and has a year-round population of about 2,600. The summer population may be treble the resident number. Clan Chiefs who had been father figures, benefactors, caretakers of their extended families, had their heads turned by the extravagances and luxurious living in the courts of the South of England and Europe. Thanks Dr. Cooper. 1st 700+ Day (722) Isle of Staffa: Puffins! They stay on this island until the beginning of August. Iain: Going to sea was a way of trying to broaden one’s view and experience of the outside world before it became common and much less expensive to strap on a backpack and wander, as is the habit of many young people today. The unvisited and untouched parts of Iona, the colourful beaches in the south and west, the relentless swells are all there to be enjoyed. Puffins from northern populations are typically larger than in the south and it is generally considered that these populations are different subspecies. People Are Culture features stories, interviews, podcasts, photo essays and videos about culture, traditions, heritage, and our human condition. This recording was made during the breeding season. Then go ashore and the mothering instinct shows when she is playing host to ten thousand breeding seabirds on her ledges and in her burrows. No, thank YOU, Jim! The second largest island of the Inner Hebrides, Mull lies off the west coast of Scotland. A couple of days go by and we are invited, with charm and innocence, to return, previous tantrums discarded on the tide. Its broad, boldly marked red and black beak and orange legs contrast with its plumage. By the end of July, most will have left for sea, puffins a few days later, leaving just kittiwakes and a few shags. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Iain: I cannot recall when I would have gone out in a boat by myself. Many did not make it.

There is a saying that these islands are saved by Cal Mac fares and the midges! ( Log Out /  1st 600+ Day (637) Mull is accessible for urbans who, through the miracles of TV and various social media communications, gradually learn a little about the outdoors and our abundant wildlife, coming out in the tradition of the great pioneering explorers to view the natives and their quaint little animals. Golden Eagle’s Adventure Continues… Welcome Boys and Girls! The best time to see the puffins is during the breeding season between the start of May and start of August when the birds have their distinctive colourful beaks. Ten basking shark breaches gave us a memorable hour one sunny afternoon lying off Staffa– they jump clean out of the water and land sideways with an enormous splash. I imagine every day is a delight but can you share a few glimpses of nature here that really stand out for you? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out /  Although silent at sea, the soft growling call is produced by both Puffin parents whilst inside their nests. It nests in clifftop colonies, digging a burrow in which a single white egg is laid. Lunga is big enough to create her own protection and can be two-faced, all sweetness and light in her calm, crazy and violent on the weather side. My mother was the teacher so she was there preventing me from being blown over the moors.

The Tobermory Hotel is a 200-year old property on Mull’s main street and bustling little port ablaze in color. He would sit me on the tank in front, my mother sat on the pillion behind him and he conducted shouted conversations with her, generally swearing about the weather, but more worryingly, it seemed to me, never really looking ahead as he swung this noisy, smelly contraption around the hairpins. Meg: Would you say that you are a risk-taker? Iain: Turus Mara season begins at Easter and continues to the end of October. Dr. Bill Cooper (in England), a bird photographer in his own lairdly right, reviewed this blog-post (about Atlantic Puffins) and decided to pen a fitting limerick therefor: The one thing you can’t get a puffin, Oct 20, 2011

Evictions – in some cases, the people were burnt out of their homes by unscrupulous, uncaring landlords. 1st 3,000+ Day (3896) 350,000 - Sep 19, 2011

We know there are Storm Petrels in the boulder beach but as they are nocturnal we never see them ashore, only well offshore and that during rough or strong wind days. I love Puffins, so it was easy to come up with info on them.