droid razr review

The phone is sturdy and thin enough that using a 4.3-inch screen becomes manageable. Motorola’s record when it comes to updating phones is horrendous these days. We filter millions of reviews from customer. Sometimes being thin isn’t always best. We have gotten one action to work: when we plug the headphones in, YouTube opens. The new screen, which isn’t quite as rich as the Super AMOLED Plus display on the Samsung Galaxy S II, fixes one of Motorola’s biggest deficiencies. For more information, check out our guide to Android Ice Cream Sandwich. Motorola has promised that Droid Razr owners will get the update by early 2012. Peripherals remain largely pointless. In some situations, you may not even have to pick it up, which will (almost) never be the case with the Razr. You won’t find us complaining about the specs.

Yep, you read that right: The Droid Razr has a Super AMOLED screen. Feel free to give Motorola props for taking foldable display technology and putting it into an iconic design. The Razr chin hump is constantly in the way of that area. Companies aren’t making massive phones with tech-on-tech that cost $1,000 because they think people might be interested. But we've seen "thin" and "tough" marketed on a slew of other smartphones, and it takes more than a sexy design to compel the savvy consumer. On Verizon’s 4G LTE network, speeds here in Manhattan, New York City are holding up quite well.

Subsequent tries were just as slow. I constantly wanted to close it and then come back later to see if everything had finished. And it performs well – I swept through menu screens and launched processor-intensive apps with relative ease. Read more about how this works. Call quality has been pretty stable.

The front has an overly visible front-facing camera and the half-tapered edges look a little busy and inconsistent. Smart Actions: This app allows you to program your own sets of actions. As the device is folded in half, you do get a small package that is easily pocketable. Unfortunately, both buttons are a bit too small, and placed too low on the phone. We hold them for hours, play games on them, watch videos, and more. You know what I realized within the first hour of owning the Motorola Razr?

The Razr, as a concept, is certainly worth acknowledging and giving Motorola a thumbs up or two. Like, huh? Do that. Check out our full review … How 'bout them apples, Siri? Motorola is touting 12.5 hours of talk time and up to 16 days of idle time on its 1,780mAh battery.

Still, the 8M-megapixel rear camera does take acceptable pictures and has a decent flash. We don’t just take calls and fire off a text message or two here and there before closing them back up and tossing aside.