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2020 ElectionPolitics2020 presidential electionDemocratsGeorge Sorosvote by mailvoter fraud. Social media giant Facebook escalated its efforts to stop the spread of conspiracy theories on its site. Fans of tech giant Apple are gearing up for a big announcement from the phone maker at Oct. 13's "Hi, Speed" event. Since voting by mailed-out ballot has become more prevalent, 36 states have instituted “ballot tracking” where both the voter and election officials can see where the ballot is en route to and from the voter, just as you would [track] a package. Declaring such ballots “missing” is, as many others noted, akin to declaring all the millions of Americans who don’t bother showing up at polling places each election (some 40 to 60% of the eligible voting population) as “missing”: Article author Mark Hemingway used the term “missing” to describe ballots that were mailed out to voters but not cast by those voters.     Accessed 21 May 2020. In the 2018 election, about 42.4 million ballots were mailed to registered voters.     Accessed 21 May 2020. Vice President Mike Pence reportedly asked that a plexiglass barrier not be placed on his side of the stage during Wednesday’s debate with Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris. The Commission’s Megan Wolfe on Monday sent a letter to Wisconsin’s nearly 2,000 local election clerks and commissions, suggesting government employees would make excellent poll workers in November. Fair Vote. Where are they now? President Trump said he would immediately sign a bill that provides stimulus checks to the public. About 16.4 million mail-in ballots went missing in the 2016 and 2018 elections, data provided to Breitbart News reveals. On the other hand, the National Vote at Home Institute (NVAIH) pointed out that methods for tracking mail-in ballots have become increasingly more widespread and sophisticated: What the article does not cover is that since voting by mailed-out ballot has become more prevalent, there are many best practices in use that prevent the sort of wide-scale ballot mishandling that Hemingway suggests. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder. First, the ballot is cast outside the public eye, and thus the opportunities for coercion and voter impersonation are greater. Help preserve this vital resource. The problem was especially bad in California, where 1.4 million mail-in ballots went missing in Los Angeles County alone during the 2018 election. “Putting the election in the hands of the United States Postal Service would be a catastrophe. There are two major features of VBM that raise these concerns. Or, as Pro Publica’s Electionland quoted an expert on the subject: “Election officials ‘know’ what happened to those ballots,” said Paul Gronke, a professor at Reed College, who is the director of the Early Voting Information Center, a research group based there. The California counties of San Diego, Sacramento, Riverside, San Bernardino, Alameda, and Santa Clara combined for 1.6 million missing ballots. Second, the transmission path for VBM ballots is not as secure as traditional in-person ballots. President Trump announced that he authorized the declassification of all documents related to both the Trump-Russia investigation and the emails belonging to failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason, doesn’t work out well for Republicans.”. The headline and opening of the article, particularly in their use of the word “missing,” left many readers with the impression that millions and millions of voters expected to receive ballots in the mail that mysteriously never arrived, or filled out and mailed in ballots that simply vanished without ever being counted. “There Were NOT 28 Million ‘Missing’ Mailed Ballots.” SALT LAKE CITY — The vice presidential debates are generally an afterthought to the main event, where both candidates aim to get through the night without doing any harm to their running mate. Roughly 16 million mail-in ballots ended up missing in the 2016 and 2018 elections, according to federal data. Earlier this month, the Public Interest Legal Foundation determined that there are thousands of ineligible voters, including many dead people, on the voter rolls in New Mexico who could receive mail-in ballots.