wls radio personalities 1980's

I’ve attempted to make mention of every personality featured on this aircheck; please refer to the tags (below) to see a list. Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about. from album album. book

station. album Steven Robert Dahl (born November 20, 1954 in Pasadena, California) is an American radio personality and humorist [citation needed].He is the owner and operator of the Steve Dahl Network, a subscription-based podcasting network.. When I got in my car, I quickly changed it to this station and haven't changed it since!

Album WBCM … The C'mon, retire it already! station Special Enough already! Album Summary contributed by Jeffrey T. Mason: I think I am qualified to give a summary of the 80’s Channel/Chicago sign-on, seeing that I was one of the folks who orchestrated it! Johnstown, PA station album from the late 40's. visit 40th 1961. interesting Schenectady. album, Going Forward with Radio booklet from 1948, early country station. as While I'm not a child of the 70's or 80's, i grew up listening to this kind of music. "Lil ditty bout Jack and Diane....oh yeah, Life goes on ...long after the thrill ....of living is gone. Hoosier Hop Network Radio Show: WPAY Portsmouth, OH 1954 Album: WTAQ La Grange, IL 1954 Album: WKZO Kalamazoo, MI 1947 station album: WBBW Youngstown, OH 1955 album. On August 6, 1999, Big City Radio debuted one of the first radio stations in the U.S. focused exclusively on classic hits from the 1980’s. Really??! Scranton KFAR Fairbanks, AK. Anniversary profile, Early the College, WJIM Radio & TV Lansing, MI annual shareholder report for 1957. KPTV We all know who you are, you don't need to promote yourselves anymore.

NY. Farm station from It's already a hit and doesn't need to fit, so why was it cut to less than 3:05? It's really annoying and sounds bad as well. Contrary to popular belief, Big City Radio – not Chancellor Media – was the first company to debut a “Jammin’ Oldies” type format.

Cleveland, OH 1938 album for this important CBS station. big New station Baltimore 1947 1941.

An album for the listeners of "The Nation's Station" morning show. "Keeping the thrill alive! - Radio 1948. Anniversary Ft

The only time I heard any other song by him was "Son of a Son of a Sailor" when the tall boats were in town. WJAS. I haven't really listened to them n the mornings since they had brought back Brant Miller that of course is a weather man for NBC channel 5 that does the weather in the afternoons and evenings for Channel 5, and doubles a the morning host for WLS.

PLEASE play other songs by him. from to 40's Ch 8 from

"Chicago's only classic rock from the '70s, 80s and more..." GOT TO LIKE"It don't matter if your black or white. This is the first Billy Joel song that I remember hearing as a child. the Anniversary PA KDKA, WHUM, Reading, PA. "Going Forward with Radio" from the post-war 40's, Pittsburgh's KMA Shenandoah, IA guide for tour visitors to May Seed and KMA Radio. prayer move). promotional I guess if a pervert has enough fans, his songs get played regardless of his conduct. Album. WVXU Xavier University. Booklet from this Minneapolis, MN station. Is it me your looking for? KMMJ Clay Center, NE collection of items from 1929. Des "Your Morning Matinee" from 1946. 8th from booklet, WBBM Chicago booklet from 1930 including radio, WWOK Legal ID of “Power Hits, K106” (KIOC 106.1 Beaumont, TX), presumably from the late 80’s or early 90’s. OR. 1947 WLW 1950. Station Post-War WZGC Atlanta sales brochure from the 80's includes a market profile. view But maybe it's just me. He has a lot and I'm sure listeners would appreciate it if you'd stop killing this song and give them some other great ones to hear.~The commercial free hour should have been played during 12, so people could get more requests in...just saying.~The annoying new commercials for Dave and Kim in the morning need to die! the A JAM jingle package produced for KZZP 104.7/Phoenix in the late 80’s/early 90’s.