ammon book of mormon

Ammon refused the crown of his father in order to pursue missionary work. There they rested while Ammon and his brethren went forward and treated with the Nephites in behalf of the persecuted hosts they had left behind. Ammon began as an unbeliever and sought with his friend Alma and the other sons of Mosiah to destroy the Church of God. What Does the Abish Story Signal About the Resurrection? The strength Ammon manifested was super-human. What Can We Learn From Abish’s Member-missionary Work?

Ammon perceiving this, placed the servants at various points on the outside of the flocks and he himself went forward to contend with the robbers. He felt that he could be of service in delivering the prisoners, as Antiomno, the king of Middoni, was one of his special friends, and likely to grant any favor he might ask. Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26? Ammon gave her the joyful assurance: He is not dead, but sleepeth in God, and to-morrow he shall rise again. Ammon courteously declined this intended honor and begged to be accepted as one of the king's servants, which arrangement pleased Lamoni, and Ammon was placed in that part of the royal household that had charge of the monarch's flocks and herds. So fierce was the contention, so angry grew the controversy, that Abish, fearing greater trouble, by an inspiration took hold of the hand of the queen, who thereupon arose to her feet. Ammon perceived that this was his opportunity. This page was last edited on 25 January 2017, at 22:56. So the queen lovingly continued her watch by the bedside of her husband until the appointed hour.

Ammon counseled with the king, and it was thought better to forsake their all so far as worldly possessions were concerned, than to remain and sacrifice their lives. Ammon and his brethren were not willing to have the disciples continually harassed and eventually exterminated; they judged that the Lord, having so thoroughly tried the faith of this devoted people, would provide some way of escape. Why Are People Exhausted by Powerful Spiritual Experiences? But they quickly took him, bound him, and carried him before Ammon, who expelled him beyond the borders of Jershon. This page was last edited on 14 March 2011, at 12:36. Ammon's rejoicing heart swelled within him as he heard and witnessed these things; he fell upon his knees and poured out his soul in praise and thanksgiving, until he also could not contain the brightness of the glory, the completeness of the joy that overwhelmed him. Mormon was one of the two abridgers of the numerous records that went into making up the Book of Mormon, the other being his son, Moroni. He trembled at the thought that perhaps this Spirit had come to punish him because of the number of his servants whom he had slain for permitting his cattle to be stolen. Psalm 106:47; Nehemiah 9:5; Daniel 2:20. All the hatred born and nurtured of false tradition boiled up in his breast. This boon Ammon immediately granted, asking only favors for Lamoni and his ​own imprisoned brethren. Again he sank overpowered to the earth, and the same spirit overcame his wife also. The most conspicuous of the sons of king Mosiah II, and the ruling spirit in the great mission undertaken by them to convert the Lamanites.. Ammon was born in the land of Zarahemla, probably about 120 B. C. Like his brothers, he was, in early life, headstrong and disobedient, and a persecutor of the Saints. When the king had heard their marvelous story his heart was troubled, and he came to the conclusion that Ammon must be the Great Spirit, of whose existence he had an undefined idea. KnoWhy #133; Alma 26:8; cf. They accordingly started on their errand of mercy, but on their way were surprised to meet Lamoni's father, who grew exceedingly angry when he found Ammon in the company of his son. Ammon banished Korihor, an anti-Christ, and then served another proselyting mission to the Zoramites. June 24, 2016 There he wandered into the Lamanite territory governed by King Lamoni. His first words were of praise to God, his next were blessings on his faithful wife, whose faith he felt or knew. With much exertion they succeeded. Then Ammon blessed her, and told her that there had not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites. Copyright 2020 Book of Mormon Central: A Non-Profit Organization. But first they would inquire of the Lord. Lamoni then arose, as Ammon had foretold.

The king's will and pleasure appear to have been the only law on such matters. She comprehended the why and wherefore of this strange scene. At first there was much opposition to this venture, but Mosiah, their father, having received by revelation assurances of Divine protection, the young men started on their perilous journey (B. C. 91) into the southern wilderness. Lamoni listened and believed. On the third day of Amnion's service, one of these raids was made on the king's cattle as they were being taken to the waters of Sebus, the common watering place. The king, the queen, the servants, all rejoiced with joy unspeakable. The idea of one man withstanding so many was supremely ridiculous to the robbers. ​When the church was satisfactorily established in the land of Ishmael, Lamoni arranged to pay a visit to his father, the great king in the land of Nephi, to whom he was desirous of introducing Ammon. AMMON.