online tattoo learning

You will always be working to improve your technique, learn about new advances in sterilization, and pay attention to the ever-changing state laws. We have guides to keeping your new ink clean and safe, as well as information on what to do if you find yourself facing a possible infection. It doesn't matter if you're a tattoo enthusiast casually looking for aftercare advice, a tattoo apprentice hungry to learn, or a seasoned pro looking to brush up on their skills: we have something designed just for you in our Learning Center.

I am a stay at home mom (besides tattooing but I made my own schedule) so the online course was a life saver for me. I work by myself and it's a small studio..but it's mine. Jay's Elite Tattoo group was a reliable source of useful and interesting information and I'm recommending his courses to anybody, regardless of nationality and level of expertise. Are you new to tattooing? You can never stop improving if you want to have a healthy business and a fulfilling career as a tattoo artist.

From Apprentice to Shop Owner, We've Got You Covered. 67shares Facebook57 Twitter2 Pinterest8 StumbleUpon0 Tumblr Best Schools To Learn Tattooing: Tattoos have become all the vogue with more and people of all walks of life getting into it in a big way. Remember: taking care of your tattoo or piercing is the only way it's going to keep looking good for years to come.

Have a question? I was soley there to be his free janitor and receptionist...when I was able to tattoo he would take 60 percent of what I made.

I HATED it..the owner did not want to teach me he said I should learn on my own. Whether you're an apprentice just trying to wrap your head around foundational techniques, or a shop owner thinking about retirement, we've been there, documented the process, and are here to walk you through your own journey.

And I thought to myself, well I've always had an interest in tattooing, how special and different it would be if I could be the one to tattoo it on her. In this course, Florencia Landaeta, better known in the world of, comprehensive learning disability testing san francisco. I've been tattooing for more than a decade, and in that time I've studied for an art degree, business degree, helped build and open several shops, and traveled the world meeting artists and business professionals alike. It doesn't matter if you're an amateur just starting out or a seasoned pro with years of experience, mastery of fundamental tattoo techniques is what gets you to the next level. 654 talking about this. We're adding new content each and every week, and showcasing our students work as they go out and make a name for themselves in the industry. This section of the program is about getting you, and your work, ready for that move. It doesn't matter if you're an amateur just starting out or a seasoned pro with years of experience, mastery of fundamental tattoo techniques is what gets you to the next level.