what are cognitive styles

Similarly, Fleming [36] averred that global learners like to start with a big idea or concept, then go on to study and understand the parts. L. Aragoni, “Teach how to write a summary reading, writing, studying require it,” 2011. English language is the first official language, the language of education from the upper primary schools to the higher institutions of learning in Nigeria and one of the core subjects in the Nigerian educational system.

Other research studies suggest that boys and girls effectively use different parts of their brain, with each group exhibiting stronger left-hemisphere strength in different capacities. The study was aimed at investigating the administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress between 1992 and 2003. Students’ cognitive style had a higher score than gender.

The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance: Ho1: there is no significant relationship between independent variables of cognitive style and gender on students’ achievement in summary writing Ho2: there is no significant composite contribution of cognitive style and gender on students’ achievement in summary writing Ho3: there is no relative contribution of cognitive style and gender on students’ achievement in summary writing. The instrument was adapted from Lorna Martin [31] to assess the global and analytic cognitive style dimensions. Kim, “Characteristics of EFL readers’ summary writing: a study with Korean university students,”, G. W. Allport and H. S. Odbert, “Trait-names: a psycho-lexical study,”. Many of these traits have been identified by scholars [32, 33] as empirically stable forms of information-seeking behaviour. Developed by psychologist Herman Witkin in 1962, field-independent versus independent model is a concept in cognitive learning styles.

However, the focus of this study is on the global/analytic cognitive style dimension. All hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. The analytical learners on the other hand make use of a predominantly local learning approach to examine one thing at a time and concentrate on separate topics (parts) and the logical sequences linking them. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained by using the test-retest method at two-week interval, and a reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. Knowing how to write a summary is essential if students are to be active listeners, good readers, responsible researchers, and efficient writers [9]. A. Tatarinceva, “Influence of the gender factor on a student’s cognitive style and achievements in language learning,” Mūsdienu Izglītības Problēmas, 2009, K. Gadwa and S. Griggs, “The dropouts: implications for counsellors,”, D. O. Fakeye and Y. Ogunsiji, “English language proficiency as a predictor of academic achievement among EFL students in Nigeria,”, T. G. Roberts and J. E. Dyer, “The influence of learning styles on student attitudes and achievement when an illustrated web lecture is used in an online learning enviornment,”, S.-A. Each person obviously thinks a little differently, but usually has a characteristic style of thinking. By multiple regression analysis, above average in the achievement of students’ in summary writing is attributable to the joint effect of independent variables in the study. A. Awofala, T. A. Balogun, and M. A. Olagunju, “Effects of three modes of personalisation on students’ achievement in mathematics word problems in Nigeria,” 2011. Therefore, there were a total of 15 items per group in the cognitive style inventory (CSI). Cognitive styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes information.

SWAT was scored using the criteria suggested in the WASSCE marking guides for May/June 2012. Data were analyzed using regression analysis, and the results show that cognitive style and gender are predictors of students’ achievement in summary writing. The researcher and two research assistants went to sample schools to interact with the English language teachers in the schools selected for the study. Wholist-Analytic (W-A) This dimension reflects how individuals organise and structure information. According to Zeeb [13], cognitive style determines how individuals perceive, receive, and process information. Traits refer to the general ways of describing an individual. Therefore, this study considers the relationship between global and analytic cognitive style dimensions and students’ achievement in summary writing.

Also, Tatarinceva [19] suggested that teachers should know their students’ needs, goals, cognitive style, and the implications of their gender differences as this is capable of improving students’ achievement and attitude to learning.