telling time in spanish

The verb 'ser' (to be) is really useful for telling the time. Listen to these two examples: Now we will talk about some very useful expressions for telling time in Spanish that always come handy in different situations. S - What time are we leaving? When telling the time in English we use the phrase it is + time.

Rara Academic by Rara Theme. That's early. O

Some of the sentences only need the time, whereas others must be fully written by them. Usually, you’ll need to use “son las...” (sohn lahs) to mean “it is” but occasionally you use “es la” (ehs lah). Ellos toman el bus de la medianoche. There are some things to consider you need to result in you to be able to instruct your kid to inform time quickly.

Changing the playback speed will NOT affect sound quality. This is a simple ability which every people has to be able to.

En clase, yo leo y estudio. In order to tell time in Spanish in the present tense, we will always use one of the two forms of the irregular verb SER (to be): ES and SON.The form ES will only be needed for telling the time between 1:00 to 1:59, whereas SON will be used for the rest of the day.

Note: To indicate the time at which something occurs, the preposition "a" is used: El tren llega a las tres y media.

Lights out! (Medida del Tiempo de Primaria).

Es medianoche.

Orange = Advanced.

Video too fast or too slow for you? It's two forty-five (2:45). It was 11:00 in the evening. As with English, noon and midnight have special terms in Spanish. Full list of teacher resources here.

We will also cover some expressions that are often used when telling time in Spanish. A single great way to teach him without the need of placing tension and stress is to create games that concerns Telling Time Activities In Spanish. Spanish uses a similar construction, but the verb is only used in the singular (es) to talk about 1 o’clock and its variants; with all other times the verb is in the plural (son).

Es hora de dormir. H

Match. It's ten after five. Es la una de la mañana - It's one o'clock in the morning, Son las seis de la noche - It's six o'clock in the evening, Son las cinco de la tarde - It's five o'clock in the afternoon. ¿A qué hora te levantas? Son las dos y cinco. Select desired playback speed.

Note: Minutes up to half an hour are added to the hour using y; above that, they are typically subtracted from the hour with menos. 50 nuevas fichas para trabajar con nuestros chicos la atención y el aprendizaje …. I inevitably find another great idea to try on Edmodo professional groups or Pinterest boards. Telling time in Spanish and English do have some similarities.

Eran las once de la noche.

N Empezamos con fichas más sencillas, solo ….

or Disculpe ¿qué hora es? Remember to add “de la” before these words to indicate that it’s in the morning/evening/afternoon and it’s specific time. Descubre nuevas fichas educativas con ejercicios y actividades para los niños.

Learn how to tell the time in Spanish in this guide for students aged 11 to 14 from BBC Bitesize. To ask for the time or to say What time is it?/What is the time?

If the situation calls for the exact time, we can also add the word horas. Numbers are used often in everyday life, so the more you speak, the more opportunity you’ll get to practice them! A few examples: Note: The plural form (son) is used for two o'clock through twelve. This lesson will teach you the rules behind the most important questions to ask time in Spanish and the sentence structure to tell time in Spanish properly.


Print out these free worksheets to help teach your little one to tell time. Mañana leeré (por) varias horas - Tomorrow I’ll read for several hours. There are tons of stuff you need to look at like his simple expertise in amounts. They take the midnight bus. They take the midnight bus. This short quiz will test if you understand how to ask the time and how to give a proper answer as well. Use es when referring to “one o’clock” and use son when referring to all other hours.