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Prior experience with other frameworks helps, but is not required. Here, it is basically saying “keep this element’s title attribute up-to-date with the message property on the Vue instance.”. After calling enableAutoDestroy you might need to disable auto-destroy behavior (for example when some of your test suites rely on wrapper being persistent across separate tests), To achieve this you might call resetAutoDestroyState to disable previously registered hook, ← renderToString is included in the @vue/server-test-utils package.
Cheerio is a jQuery-like library to traverse the DOM in Node.js. Vue CLI also supports building Vue components that register themselves as native custom elements. We can now further improve our
This is a configurable way which relies on Vue.config.silent. That’s because Vue’s component syntax is loosely modeled after the spec. When needed, Vue components can also be wrapped inside a native custom element. Please take note that it is not supported to pass a function as config.provide.
Creates a Wrapper that contains the mounted and rendered Vue component. The quickest way to get started using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript with Vue is to use the @arcgis/cli.
Watch Vue Mastery’s free Intro to Vue course. These are overwritten by stubs passed in the mounting options.
You can read more details about creating template applications in the @arcgis/cli GitHub repo. // Define a new component called todo-item, . Integrate the ArcGIS API for JavaScript into your Vue application, using either webpack-plugin or esri-loader. For example, Vue components implement the Slot API and the is special attribute. The data and the DOM are now linked, and everything is now reactive. However, there are a few key differences: The Web Components Spec has been finalized, but is not natively implemented in every browser. Usage: Renders an object to a string and returns a cheerio wrapper. Hover your mouse over me for a few seconds to see my dynamically bound title!
Using a find option object, Vue Test Utils allows for selecting elements by $ref on wrapper components. If you are totally new to frontend development, it might not be the best idea to jump right into a framework as your first step - grasp the basics then come back!
Using a find option object, Vue Test Utils allows for selecting elements by a name of component on wrapper components.
Dans ce cas, l’utilisation de l’option watch nous permet d’effectuer une opération asynchrone (accéder à une API), de limiter la fréquence d’exécution de cette opération et de définir des états intermédiaires jusqu’à ce que nous obtenions une réponse finale.