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ReInventing Everything is a pragmatic system of solutions for creating better organizations, better products, and better communities. Are we actually experiencing a true liminal event? But NYC is resilient. Who are agile and can self-regulate. To stop seeing this banner click Accept, or select Manage cookies to set your preferences and privacy settings. Responding & Planning For The Future In Times Of Distress. Until it broke.

Thinking wrong will lead us out. We serve an emergent breed of business leaders who feel a responsibility to confront global crises with the full weight of their organizations and the collective passion of their people. Regardless, it’s going to be a really hard slog forward. There is a business case. If you are an organization that wants to be part of the next revolution in business, Undercurrent is ready for you. Over time, our brains are biologically hardwired with neural pathways and synaptic connections that largely determine our behavior. With a strong heritage in the technology, retail, and charity sectors we pride ourselves on delivering innovative campaigns that push the boundaries of experiential marketing. If you have a new brief to discuss then contact our team and let us know how we can help you. A craving for normalcy, and for the comforts we took for granted. And we can get there. Undercurrent is an organizational design and change consultancy. There is hope. GENERAL. I’m deeply concerned. It’s the disruption we need. Want to sign up for the latest news and updates? UndercurrentLIVE // Resilience Through Ecological Literacy, UndercurrentLIVE // The Paradox Of Leadership – Work vs. Soul’s Work, The Paradox of Leadership – Work vs Soul’s Work, How Mindfulness Leads To A Future We All Want. Once those pathways are formed our brains are pathological about following them. We specialise in delivering integrated experiential-led marketing campaigns (both virtually and physically) that deliver tangible results for our clients. Or if there’s anything else you’d like to know and chat about then feel free to drop us a line.

Company leaders and workforces can play a massive role in our collective future.

If you are an organization that wants to be part of the next revolution in business, Undercurrent is ready for you. COMMON CEO Mark Eckhardt and Co-Founder Rob Schuham talking about COMMON and the re-boot of Undercurrent. Or if there’s anything else you’d like to know and chat about then feel free to drop us a line. We were live on COMMONworks to discuss and analyze some of the astounding feats of Crapitalism. This is both good news, efficiency, and bad news because it actively inhibits new ideas and solutions.