uk trade with eu 2019

The UKSA suspended the National Statistics designation of UK trade on 14 November 2014. Unless otherwise specified, data within this bulletin are in current prices. Therefore, the total trade surplus in volume terms widened by £7.9 billion to £7.1 billion in Quarter 4 2019, driven by the trade in goods deficit narrowing by £14.1 billion to £11.5 billion. While precious metals, including non-monetary gold, saw large increases in exports in Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2019, this was largely offset by the erratic patterns seen in this commodity group in 2019 (Figure 3). The UK had an overall trade deficit of -£72 billion with the EU in 2019. The UK Statistics Authority suspended the National Statistics designation of UK trade (PDF 72.8KB) on 14 November 2014. The trade in services surplus narrowed £4.8 billion in the 12 months to January 2019 as imports increased £11.2 billion while exports grew by a lesser £6.4 billion. Users should note that alternative estimates are available, in some cases, via the statistical agencies for bilateral countries or through central databases such as UN Comtrade. For example, the June 2020 publication will include data up to the end of April 2020. The total UK trade deficit (goods and services) widened £8.2 billion in the 12 months to January 2019, with imports of both goods and services increasing more than their respective exports. Wales, followed by Northern Ireland and the North East of England had the highest percentage of goods exports going to the EU of all the countries and regions in the UK in 2019. Published 24 October 2018, Estimating the value of service exports abroad from different parts of the UK: 2011 to 2016, provides a breakdown of services exports by functional category from the nine English regions, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Imports of unspecified goods fell by a lesser £2.0 billion. These data are our best estimates of bilateral UK trade flows, compiled following internationally agreed standards and using a wide range of robust data sources. Car imports from the EU continued to grow on a monthly basis following decreases from April to August 2018. Modes of supply, UK experimental estimates: 2018 Article | Released 31 July 2019 The first exploratory estimates of UK trade in services broken down by mode of supply, showing how services trade is conducted, in addition to what is traded and with whom. Where it said that the trade in goods deficit "widened", this should have said "narrowed". UK trade in goods by industry, country and commodity: 2008 to 2017 Article | Released 24 April 2019 Presents an updated experimental dataset for UK trade in goods by industry, country and commodity on a balance of payments basis.

Otherwise by continuing to use the site you agree to the use of the cookies as they are currently set. Changes in UK goods exports, imports and trade balance with EU and non-EU countries, three months to July 2019 compared with the three months to April 2019 Source: Office for National Statistics Download this chart Figure 3: The narrowing of the trade in goods deficit was due largely to falling imports of goods from non-EU countries Data in this release are consistent with the GDP first quarterly estimate for Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2019also published on 11 November 2019. After the transition period, we will continue to produce our international trade statistics in line with the UK Statistics Authority’s (UKSA’s) Code of Pract… Oil and other “erratic” commodities can make a large contribution to trade in goods, but often mask the underlying trend in the export or import values due to their volatility. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The trade in goods deficit, including precious metals, narrowed by £14.4 billion to £15.1 billion (Figure 2, Table 1). Falling exports of cars and fuels, and rising car imports, were the main reasons for the widening of the trade in goods deficit in the three months to January 2019. The trade in goods deficit widened £3.6 billion with non-EU countries and narrowed £0.1 billion with the EU in the 12 months to January 2019. This was because of exports falling by £6.0 billion to £168.1 billion, which was partly offset by imports falling by £2.0 billion to £174.6 billion (Figure 1). This monthly release contains tables showing the total value of trade in goods together with chained volume measures (CVMs) and implied deflators (IDEFs). UK trade in services by partner country: July to September 2019 Bulletin | Released 22 January 2020 Trade in services data Experimental Statistics, including breakdown of exports and imports by country and geographical region, EU and non-EU. Our data break down UK trade in goods with 234 countries by 125 commodities. Therefore, the total trade in goods deficit with EU countries narrowed by £1.4 billion to £21.7 billion. The attached Excel spreadsheet (see under Supporting documents) allows for easy access and presentation of detailed 2019 data on UK trade with indiviual EU member states, as well as trade trends between 1999 and 2019. UK trade data within our monthly trade bulletin are published at around a six-week lag because of the timeliness of source data. In 2018, these deals represented about 11% of total UK trade.

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