tu106 vs tu104

The fun with AI doesn't stop there, as we could see a total resurgence in all genres of games from the help of RT Cores, Deep Learning, and AI.

The team at Crystal Dynamics made a very scalable PC game that plays really well testing graphics cards. 4K 60FPS and above is a reality for the first time ever. NVIDIA needs to dominate the gaming GPU market because it holds the highest percentage and it eats, breathes, and bleeds gaming as a company. Inside of each SM is the exciting new RT Core, with each SM featuring 64 CUDA cores, 256KB register file, 96KB L1 data cache/shared memory cache, and four texture units. I was told about a game in the future would create scenarios where a player would advance on let's say, a military base with a few AI-based characters standing guard at the entrance. United States: Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon.com, United Kingdom: Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon.co.uk, Australia: Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon.com.au, Canada: Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon.ca, Deutschland: Finde andere Technik- und Computerprodukte wie dieses auf Amazon.de.

NVIDIA's new Turing-based TU102 and TU104 GPUs now use NVLink for all SLI GPU-to-GPU data transfers, with the higher-end TU102 featuring two NVLink x8 links while TU104 has a single NVLink x8 link. At $1199 the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti is the most expensive graphics card on the market, bar the TITAN V - which I don't take into consideration in this review.

Turing GPUs only support 2-way SLI over NVLink, but 3-way and 4-way SLI configurations "are not supported". This would leave the GeForce GTX 10 series on its own between $250-$700 covered by the GTX 1060 through to GTX 1080 Ti. DLSS will learn after many attempts and tests how to produce results that closely match 64xSS, while also learning how to avoid problems like blurring, dis-occlusion, and transparency that plagues TAA. We've got DX11 and DX12 results in one here, showing the slight strengths of running DX12 mode. A year?

TU106 has 3 x GPCs, 36 SMs, and 8 x 32-bit memory controllers (for a 256-bit memory bus, the same as the RTX 2080). They're the ones investing billions and billions into R&D into these new technologies, constantly pushing the envelope further and further. This is both a good, and a bad thing... as it gives NVIDIA full control of the entire ray tracing market right now. If you want the best gaming performance, period, then you will want to buy the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.

I pushed my RTX 2080 Ti FE sample up to 2GHz at the 65-68C range with 100% fan speeds, +123 power and the GPU temps allowed to hit 88C.

These are NVIDIA technologies just off the top of my head without Googling more, NVIDIA is pushing the boundaries and creating new products to fill new markets. DLSS can really change everything for GeForce RTX series graphics card owners, as NVIDIA's own deep neural network will eventually improve DLSS-supported games so that they not only look better, but they have huge performance gains.