the century america's time homefront transcript

How did Americans relate to him? Start studying The Century America's Time:Homefront.

-there was no way the US and Allies would lose the war.

How did the nation react?

Became pitchmen for war bonds (explained what they were and why important etc...), A-stickers/B-stickers told who could get gas when (and other goods).

What was the situations (industry, economy, military) at the beginning if WWI? Why did the Americans sign up for the military? Issued ultimatum to Japan, surrender or utter destruction. Because everybody else was signing up and that fascists (the axis powers) had to be defeated bc "no one else could do it". How many women were involved in the war effort?

As troops went overseas and industry ramped up to supply the urgent need for war materials, a new wave of Southern blacks migrated north and west to fill the workforce – along with millions of women, who exchanged housework for war work.

What was the message of government films and propaganda? How many Americans died in WWII? How did women feel about their work? About 120,000 Japanese-Americans were sent by train to 10 internment camps around the country.

What was thh rffrct of WWII on the country? Mandated that all Japanese be moved from the W. Coast so trey wouldn't be in kahoots with the Japanese. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

« Back to THE HOME FRONT, THEN AND NOW main page Transcript for: THE HOME FRONT, THEN AND NOW THINK TANK WITH BEN WATTENBERG “THE HOMEFRONT, THEN AND NOW” Show #949 Broadcast November 29, 2001 Which government official objected to the camps? Would let people know in person when their family member who was in the war had died (dreaded bc death of loved one).

How did Hollywood pitch in for the war effort?

When did FDR die? How did they feel about the war and why they were fighting? What were Western Union Telegrams? "1941-1945 Homefront" April 19, 1999 () The shock of Pearl Harbor awoke America … Why did he object to the camps?

Why were they dreaded?

Collect materials such as rubber and aluminum to donate. How many veterans returned.

neewms edited English subtitles for The Century: America's Time - 1936-1941: Over The Edge Melissa Bonta edited English subtitles for The Century: America's Time - 1936-1941: Over The Edge English subtitles How many B-17 bombers did the Boeing factory create?

How did war affect the younger boys who were left at home? What was Executive Order 9066? What other ways did Americans contribute to the war effort?

How many Japanese-Americans were sent to internment camps? Industry: still in hrip of the Depression.

When did it fulfill its mission?

Start studying The Century 3.2 The Homefront (1941-1945).

Who became president? How did the film propaganda made Americans feel about the Germans and Japanese? Boys were jealous that they didn't get to go fight or have didn't have brothers who were fighting and sent them souvenirs.

-Bomber plane with mission to end war by dropping the first atomic bomb.

-made people feel like they were in the war, and people felt hatred towards the enemy (Germ/Japanese) by empathizing and saying it could happen at home. 1941-1945 Homefront; The shock of Pearl Harbor awoke America from its dream of isolationism.
jtakach edited English subtitles for The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront: ATC Columbia Basin College edited English subtitles for The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront: ATC Columbia Basin College edited English subtitles for The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront

Where? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What did the propaganda make them look like? Why was it issued? What was the invasion of Europe called by the Allies and the Americans? What was the Enola Gay?

Title: WWII and the American Home Front (redirect) Author: Megan Springate Created Date: 3/29/2018 1:40:00 PM

What was the point of the Potsdam Conference? When did it take place? Came in at exactly the right moment, girls were a little more "sensual" and idolized him (made girls swoon and scream).