spanish weather words

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The following is a list of Spanish language vocabulary for weather. Scattered showers. Start studying Spanish Weather Words.

Snow showers.

You’ll get the PDF of this list plus lots of other freebies such as the e-book 100 Days of Spanish Vocabulary and Expressions, MP3 files for your listening practice, and so much more!

Here are some few words that describe nice, sunny, beautiful weather conditions in Spanish….

Once you get beyond the basics, here is a vocabulary list that should cover most situations or help you understand the forecasts you'll find in news and social media: altamente:highly aviso:advisory calor:hot centímetro: centimeter chaparrón: downpour chubasco… It is snowing. Some weather conditions have their own verbs, for example: Llover - To rain Lloviznar - To drizzle Diluviar - To pour down Granizar - To hail Nevar - To snow Now, here’s a fun word you’ll surely use to say “showers”…Chubascos…. El arco iris.

There you have it, Spanish words related to weather and seasons.

Weather Vocabulary in Spanish. It is raining. Chubascos de nieve. It is cloudy. Chubascos aislados. … Weather - La clima.

Está lloviendo. Sleet showers. Although many Spanish weather expressions require the verbs hacer,haber or estar to be complete, there are a few weather expressions that can also stand alone. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Está nevando. Once again, you can download a copy of this list in PDF format when you subscribe below! Weather words and weather-related expressions in Spanish with English equivalents.

Chubascos de aguanieve.