short expository sermons

F.B. Let's do it right for the sake of ourselves and our listeners. “I know where there is a miracle working man.” Government keeps track of those that cause a ruckus in Jerusalem (John 2:13-25). Many a good sermon has been spoiled by too much exegesis.". In Philippians 3:10-16 we find a focus for one’s life – a spiritual focus, a. But at least there is an attempt to explain the meanings of the Scriptures while giving due attention to its context and the logical flow of thought. None of them may be slighted. Home | About Preachology | About Me | Contact Me | Free Newsletter | Free Blog, Return from "Expository Sermons" to "Bible Sermons Come in a Variety of Types.". First question: Have you ever heard a preacher preach an expository sermon and it sounded like he was reading a commentary? 2. 1) Colossians 1:11 is a continuation of the prayer that Paul begins in verses nine and ten. In Colossians 1:24-29 Paul continues to amaze his readers when he speaks of rejoicing in his sufferings. Unger goes on to say that expository preaching is first and foremost Biblical preaching. If we do it right, they can be personalized passage power type of sermons for us and everyone who hears us. Sermon on the Mind of Christ –. These are short, easy to preach sermons. I learned early in my school years that studying involves work.
Remember Breed, in his "Preparing to Preach" said that the textual sermon method is closely allied to the expository and the line of demarcation can not be sharply drawn. In discussing these things Paul uses the word “preeminence.”. It is the exposition of a Biblical passage and arranged into definite form. 2. It also makes for variety in the ministry of the Word, enables the preacher to deal with current evils as they arise in the Scripture instead of just when they arise in the life of the hearer, delivers the preacher from the tendency to a fanciful use or abuse of isolated texts, and furnishes the preacher with enough material for a lifetime of preaching. It is the exposition of a Biblical passage that is organized and shaped into a Bible sermon which flows from beginning to end with a spiritual purpose and goal in mind. By this method of preaching, all the truth contained in this particular paragraph of Scripture is dealt with, opened up and applied to the hearer. But to leave the sermon in history without applying it to the present is an abuse of the expository method of preaching. Just follow the link above and get the details! Find Expository Sermons and Illustrations. Even though some feel it is the hardest type of sermon to develop, they also feel it is the best type of sermon and the most Biblical. "What saith the Lord" is the alpha and omega of expository preaching.

The simple fact is, if you just preach each paragraph in the Bible, you would never run out of sermon material and you would never have to preach the same sermon twice. But they have this great advantage in that the preacher who employs them deals with distinctively Scriptural themes that come right out of the text. Expository sermons are the product of exegesis (an explanation or critical interpretation), but they are in no sense just its exhibition.