richard mcbride elementary school

Dave Crowe, the school district’s director of capital projects, updated trustees on the construction project at their Sept. 15 operations committee meeting. For the public school district in Vancouver, Washington, see, Public school district in British Columbia, Canada, Vancouver, University Endowment Lands in Metro/Coast, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, reliable, independent, third-party sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, B.C. [13] The school has a population of about 450 students from grade K-7. We also advocate for the community at McBride, whether that is at a district or even provincial level for things like seismic upgrading or traffic management. We provide childcare at our meetings (so long as we get notice!

Your support is vital to helping us provide free local news.

Most importantly, let us know you can help. [5] The school opened in 1921 and was named after David Lloyd George, the British prime minister from 1916 to 1922. Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Ready to Learn, Be Respectful. It is located at 2000 Trimble Street, at the intersection with 4th Avenue in the West Point Grey neighbourhood. Ruby Campbell to seek NDP nomination New Westminster, Rain will help wash away wildfire smoke, air quality will improve. Nootka Elementary School opened in 1959 as Lord Beaconsfield Annex, but a growing student population led to school status being granted in 1963. [2], The Ministry of Education launched a seismic upgrading program in March 2005 to upgrade schools all over British Columbia. If you are looking for the school’s official website, it … The current schedule calls for the exterior work to be finished by the end of August 2021, with interior finishes by the second week of December 2021, with the new building then ready for occupancy.

[3], David Lloyd George Elementary School is an elementary school in the Marpole neighbourhood. Completion is slated for 2021.

Xpey' Elementary opened in 1906 as Sir William Macdonald Elementary School in honour of the Canadian tobacco manufacturer and major education philanthropist.

[16] Because of its low enrollment and high seismic risk, Xpey’ was shortlisted for closure in 2015, but Vancouver City Council elected to keep it open until at least 2020. The school has a population of 180 students from Grades K to 7. The 9, the 22, and the 99 B-Line. David Lloyd George Elementary School.
[17] Xpey' is located at 1959 East Hastings Street in East Vancouver's Grandview-Woodland area, but since becoming a First Nations focus school in 2012, its catchment area has switched from local to district.[16]. Don’t have any time to volunteer at an event? He said all the site work has been completed and the foundation work is well underway.

“It continues to be a good news story. Our goal really is about building community, not making anyone feel bad for being unable to help at this time.

All parents are members of the PAC and have the right to attend meetings, vote, and make suggestions. “We’ll actually start to come out of the ground, which is always exciting because it actually starts to look like a building,” he said. The project is still expected to come in within its budget of just shy of $35 million. The trustees elected during that by-election, listed by number of votes received, were: The trustees elected during the 2014 Vancouver municipal election served until they were removed by Education Minister Mike Bernier on October 17, 2016. We are here for you and welcome you into the community at McBride. [12] It is near Vancouver Community College's Broadway campus, and is easily accessible from VCC–Clark station and Commercial–Broadway station on the SkyTrain. [1], In 2014, there were 1,473 international students in Vancouver public schools. New Westminster has a single secondary school, New Westminster Secondary School, three middle schools, and ten elementary schools. A view over the Richard McBride Elementary construction site on Friday, Sept. 18. [14][15] The name, which means "cedar" in the henqeminem dialect of the Musqueam nation, was nominated by Chief Wayne Sparrow and Musqueam council members. We help fund the music program, the library, and help out as we are able for student-led initiatives such as extracurricular clubs or anti-bullying programs. [4] It holds approximately 427 students in grades K through 7. It intends to support transgender and LGBTQ in allowing them be called by the name they identify with. V3L 4B7, You can reach us via email at We subsidize field trips.

As of 2016, the current school principal is Monika Sanft and the Vice-principal is Megan Davies.[11].

The Vancouver School Board (VSB; officially School District 39 Vancouver) is a school district based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

It is located at 1936 West 10th Avenue, near Broadway and Burrard Street.