q star trek powers

When Kathryn Janeway suggested the idea of two Q mating to procreate , Q stated flatly that even if he wanted to mate, that he would not know how, as it was totally unprecedented. He eventually reveals that the uncertainty and instability caused by Quinn's suicide divided the Continuum, causing a civil war between Quinn's progressive followers (of which Q is a part) and the conservative traditionalists of the Continuum. He was indeed inspired to take up his late comrade's banner of individualism within the Q Continuum, which apparently sparked an all-out internal struggle between the two factions which appeared in our dimension as constant supernovas, far above the statistical norm. He first appeared to the mainstream Federation when attempting to limit humanity's ongoing advance in the galaxy, charging humans as being a "grievously savage race" and putting Picard's crew on trial as all humanity's representative. The Q Gambit featured the Q caught in a war against the Pah-wraiths. This was seemingly the case amongst their own kind, as they had demonstrated the ability to execute, or less lethally, conditionally grant and (temporarily) relieve the powers of others, as well as renounce their own powers; but not their mortality, and therefore were unable to commit suicide.

(TNG: "Hide and Q", "True Q", "Q2"), They also possessed the ability to control technology, such as to inhibit a starship's transporter from operating, freeze the functionality of its shields, or simply transport a starship over vast distances of several thousand light years. Later, in the Voyager episode "The Q and the Grey", Q reappears on the Voyager, asking Janeway to bear his child. 0's group was later defeated in a battle with the Q Continuum, though the dinosaurs were left extinct as a result when Q diverted an asteroid from one of the combatants so that it would strike Earth instead. Full Name: Q Date of birth: (ageless)Place of birth: Unknown Parents: Unknown Education: Unknown Marital status: Unknown Children: one son, Q2, Assessment Report of Starfleet CommandPortions excerpted from Briefing of 2367Contributing analysis: Capt. The Q had come to fear the influence of Human compassion and curiosity into their otherwise timeless, apathetic, and stable culture. (VOY: "Death Wish", "Q2"; TNG: "Hide and Q", "Q Who", "Deja Q", "True Q"), The Q have claimed to have "infinite intellect." (TNG: "Hide and Q", "Q Who"), Similarly, they possessed the ability to alter a mortal's age, endow or deprive sight to the blind, physically mute an individual by fusing their jaw and removing their vocal cords, or completely change an individual into another species.

For instance, during the mid-24th century, two Q mated as Humans, creating a Q offspring.

Captain Picard, with the help of Q, managed to stop Trelane, though the experience reduced Trelane to a speck of his former existence.

With Q having abstained from most of the conflict, he was thus put in charge of watching over Earth and its inhabitants as a possible rehabilitation project, while (*) escaped, The One was trapped at the heart of the galaxy having been reduced to just his head, and 0 was banished to just outside our galaxy and the galactic barrier erected to keep him out; as Picard observes, with 0's crippled state preventing him travelling faster than light, 0 was essentially reduced to a shipwrecked survivor cut off from the nearest inhabitable land and millennia away from anywhere else. I'm going to miss that."

This concern was, in fact, one reason which the Q wished to learn more about Humanity.

He was then returned to exile, and the Continuum repaired the barriers.

I only pray that Riker could have somehow been returned to his home with a message revealing our crew's whereabouts. My impression of the Q home is one of bored omnipotence, which leads me to wonder why more natives are not of a meddling mind as the Q known to us.

One example included the supposed three billion year involvement between Q and Q, be it one that was never physical. [2], In 2016, Time rated Q as the #10 best villain of the Star Trek franchise. This novel also establishes why Q chose his name, as he wanted something that would be simple for humans to remember, also reasoning that, if he was ever asked why he was called 'Q', he could reply 'Because U will always be behind me'. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey"), When Q ultimately expressed a desire to procreate with the Human, Kathryn Janeway, he also said he "could have chosen a Klingon targ, the Romulan empress, [or] a Cyrillian microbe." One noted example among the Q included the time Q misplaced the Deltived asteroid belt. (DS9: "Q-Less"), They had the ability to grant and strip their powers to non-entities, such as was the opportunity given to William T. Riker, a Human, in 2365, who was bestowed with the powers of the Q.