provincial in a sentence

Police representatives insisted that it was the responsibility of escorts to ensure they knew and abided by municipal, While the federal government has made a few devolutionary concessions, it has retained federal spending power as a tool to intrude in, The very large pools Betfair musters, even on, After a village childhood and two years planting rice during the Cultural Revolution, he developed his musical skills in the, The problem of any classically educated writer's falling in love with Greece was how to reconcile the, In July, parliament lowered its quota for female lawmakers on, It's also an opportunity of a lifetime to be noticed, because all the, Coffee shops were also springing up in the. By this time, too, several of the other provinces had come into existence. Almonds are widely cultivated in Sicily, Sardinia and the sor~ithern provinces; walnut trees throughout the peninsula, their wood being more important than their fruit; hazel nuts, figs, prickly pears (used in the south and the islands for hedges, their fruit being a minor consideration), peaches, pears, locust beans and pistachio nuts are among the other fruits. In their hurry to obtain wealth, this crowd of office-mongers from the provinces lent themselves to all kinds of bribery and corruption. We're all a bit gauche when we're young. The French reinforcements which entered Spain managed to secure some of the strongholds of the northern provinces; and the disgraceful feuds in the royal family left the country practically at the emperor's mercy.

Even when Rome and Italy smarted beneath his proscriptions and extortions, the provinces were undisturbed. Frederick immediately B~barossa determined to reassert the imperial rights in his and the southern provinces, and to check the warfare of the Lombard burghs. In the Austrian provinces and in the duchies it carried all before it, and gained many adherents in the Legations, Rome and Naples, although in the latter regions the autonomist feeling was still strong even among the Liberals. Self-emancipation even in the West Indian provinces of the fancy and imagination--what Wilberforce is there to bring that about? In the hands of able captains, like Francesco Sforza or Piccinino, these mercenary troops became moving despotisms, draining the country of its wealth, and always eager to fasten and found tyrannies upon the provinces they had been summoned to defend. Whether the master of the provinces, in which there were Jews, be an Alexander, a Ptolemy, a Seleucid or a Roman, the force by which he rules is the force of Greek culture.