powerpoint columbia disaster

December 19, 2017 Jarwato Disaster.
The Columbia Disaster - authorSTREAM Presentation. Copy, The Columbia Disaster : The Columbia Disaster American Tragedy What happened?

Aftermath : Aftermath The disaster is still being felt today in both NASA and future space prospects Caused a postponing in shuttle missions for two years and delay in space technology initiative Lead to the creation of a new launch vehicle and a redesign in safety regulations for space launchs.
Columbia Disaster Powerpoint. But actually bullet points are helpfull to make your core points stand out. I suggested to the PRA group that on-ground analytic problems contributed to something like 1.3 of the 2.0 accidents in the 113 flights. The Cause : The Cause The cause of disintegration of the shuttle was damage to the heat shield due to debris during launch. According to Edward Tufte, professor emeritus in political science, computer science at Yale University, the danger of the allowing Columbia to attempt reentry rested on a particular slide inside … var _Hasync= _Hasync|| []; Dynamic So let’s put that in the title: Many presenters are cursed by their knowledge and put everything they know on a slide and just expect the audience will grasp everything and make conclusions by themselves. January 16th 2003. by comma or enter. The NASA engineers could have started with a slide like this to introduce the problem: The rules & slides above are part of the presentation framework we created at Bluegrass. The reason bullet points are considered evil is because many presenters overuse them and overload the working memory (see rule 2 above). _Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,4127969,4,0,0,0,00010000']); After liftoff large chunks of spray-on foam insulation (SOFI) broke off from an external tank and struck … So they wanted to say that they actually didn’t have a clue if there would be a problem or not. 4min read January 16 2003, the Columbia space shuttle mission launched.

contact the author of the presentation. The NASA engineers did some simulations, but the results were inconclusive as their historic data didn’t contain pieces as large as the ones that hit Columbia. In the case of the Columbia, better analysis and decision-making during the flight might have yielded rescue efforts to try to save the crew, which was endangered by damage to the Columbia suffered at launch. So when presenting we should make sure we never bombard our audience with more than 3 to 4 things. British Columbia PNP | British Columbia Immigration Consultants, Disaster Restoration & Recovery Solutions - Disaster MD, Disaster Restoration Emergency Service - Disaster MD. What you just saw was the destruction of the space shuttle Columbia in the middle of re-entry Inside the shuttle were seven different astronauts, who tragically lost there lives. Ana Mendieta Taught Me About Dispossession and Identity, The simulations predicted a complete penetration, The results however are inconclusive because there’s no historic data on chunks of insulation of this size, If the heat tiles were hit, there wouldn’t be a problem, If the wing is struck, there would be a problem. Ppt Columbia E Shuttle Mission Sts 107 Powerpoint Ation Id 758740. Why edward tufte is wrong eslide the life or power of storytelling the life or power of storytelling columbia e shuttle mission sts 107 how to avoid by powerpoint st. E Shuttle Columbia Disaster Powerpoint Is To Blame African Brand Link.