bm reports wind outturn

Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0640) - 6.1d Year -Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0650) - 6.1e Year-Ahead Forecast Margin (B0810) - 8.1 Based on historical outturn data and detailed local wind forecasts, National Grid forecasts likely levels of wind generation for visible windfarms, i.e. Data referring to : 2020-09-24, 2020-09-25. Transmission: Balancing Mechanism data from the Transmission company and data includes System Operator to System Operator Trades (SO-SO), SO-SO Trade Prices and System Warnings. Out-turn Forecast Value. Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0640) - 6.1d Year -Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0650) - 6.1e Year-Ahead Forecast Margin (B0810) - 8.1 atmospheric conditions and so there may be periods where National Grid's forecast and outturn values differ significantly. those that have operational metering and that are included in the latest forecast process. Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0640) - 6.1d Year -Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0650) - 6.1e Year-Ahead Forecast Margin (B0810) - 8.1 The total in this table is a simple sum of the registered capacities of all the windfarms listed in the Power Park Modules spreadsheet. Wind Generation forecasts are produced by National Grid's second generation wind output forecasting tool.Wind generation output can be difficult to forecast and so there will be periods where the forecast and outturn values differ significantly. The forecasts are produced for the period from 21:00 on the current day (D) to 21:00 D+2.Wind Generation forecasts are produced by National Grid's own second generation windpower forecasting tool. Forecast models ECMWF, GFS, NAM and NEMS The NDF section allows the user to view the initial demand outturn data. Expansion and Dismantling Projects (B0910) - 9.1, Costs of Congestion Management (B1330) - 13.1c, Loss of Load Probability (LoLP) and De-rated Margin, UNAVAILABILITY OF TRANSMISSION INFRASTRUCTURE, Planned Unavailability In The Transmission Grid (B1010) - 10.1a, Changes In Actual Availability In The Transmission Grid (B1020) - 10.1b, Changes In Actual Availability Of Off-shore Grid Infrastructure (B1030) - 10.1c, Day-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0620) - 6.1b, Week-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0630) - 6.1c, Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0640) - 6.1d, Year -Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0650) - 6.1e, Actual Total Load Per Bidding Zone (B0610) - 6.1a, Peak Demand, Indicative Peak & Triad Information, Planned Unavailability Of Consumption Units (B0710) - 7.1a, Changes In Actual Availability Of Consumption Units (B0720) - 7.1b, Day-Ahead Aggregated Generation (B1430) - 14.1c, Generation Forecasts for Wind and Solar (B1440) - 14.1d, Installed Generation Capacity Aggregated (B1410) - 14.1a, Installed Generation Capacity Per Unit (B1420) - 14.1b, Actual Generation Output Per Generation Unit (B1610) - 16.1a, Actual Aggregated Generation Per Type (B1620) - 16.1b, Generation by Fuel Type (Additional Detail), Actual Or Estimated Wind And Solar Power Generation (B1630) - 16.1c, UNAVAILABILITY OF GENERATION AND PRODUCTION UNITS, Planned Unavailability Of Generation Units (B1510) - 15.1a, Changes In Actual Availability Of Generation units (B1520) - 15.1b, Planned Unavailability Of Production units (B1530) - 15.1c, Changes In Actual Availability Of Production Units (B1540) - 15.1d, Volumes Of Exchanged Bids and Offers (B1810) - 17.1ja, Cross Border Balancing - Prices (B1820) - 17.1jb, Amount Of Balancing Reserves Under Contract (B1720) - 17.1b, Prices Of Procured Balancing Reserves (B1730) - 17.1c, Accepted Aggregated Offers (B1740) - 17.1d, Activated Balancing Energy (B1750) - 17.1e, Prices Of Activated Balancing Energy (B1760) - 17.1f, Aggregated Imbalance Volumes (B1780) - 17.1h, Financial Expenses And Income For Balancing (B1790) -17.1i. The System Operator National Demand Forecast is based on historically metered generation output for Great Britain. Sort multiple columns simultaneously by holding down the shift key and clicking a second, third or even fourth column header! SYNOP codes from weather stations and buoys. Based on historical outturn data and detailed local wind forecasts, National Grid forecasts likely levels of wind generation for windfarms visible to National Grid, i.e. Expansion and Dismantling Projects (B0910) - 9.1, Costs of Congestion Management (B1330) - 13.1c, Loss of Load Probability (LoLP) and De-rated Margin, UNAVAILABILITY OF TRANSMISSION INFRASTRUCTURE, Planned Unavailability In The Transmission Grid (B1010) - 10.1a, Changes In Actual Availability In The Transmission Grid (B1020) - 10.1b, Changes In Actual Availability Of Off-shore Grid Infrastructure (B1030) - 10.1c, Day-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0620) - 6.1b, Week-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0630) - 6.1c, Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0640) - 6.1d, Year -Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (B0650) - 6.1e, Actual Total Load Per Bidding Zone (B0610) - 6.1a, Peak Demand, Indicative Peak & Triad Information, Planned Unavailability Of Consumption Units (B0710) - 7.1a, Changes In Actual Availability Of Consumption Units (B0720) - 7.1b, Day-Ahead Aggregated Generation (B1430) - 14.1c, Generation Forecasts for Wind and Solar (B1440) - 14.1d, Installed Generation Capacity Aggregated (B1410) - 14.1a, Installed Generation Capacity Per Unit (B1420) - 14.1b, Actual Generation Output Per Generation Unit (B1610) - 16.1a, Actual Aggregated Generation Per Type (B1620) - 16.1b, Generation by Fuel Type (Additional Detail), Actual Or Estimated Wind And Solar Power Generation (B1630) - 16.1c, UNAVAILABILITY OF GENERATION AND PRODUCTION UNITS, Planned Unavailability Of Generation Units (B1510) - 15.1a, Changes In Actual Availability Of Generation units (B1520) - 15.1b, Planned Unavailability Of Production units (B1530) - 15.1c, Changes In Actual Availability Of Production Units (B1540) - 15.1d, Volumes Of Exchanged Bids and Offers (B1810) - 17.1ja, Cross Border Balancing - Prices (B1820) - 17.1jb, Amount Of Balancing Reserves Under Contract (B1720) - 17.1b, Prices Of Procured Balancing Reserves (B1730) - 17.1c, Accepted Aggregated Offers (B1740) - 17.1d, Activated Balancing Energy (B1750) - 17.1e, Prices Of Activated Balancing Energy (B1760) - 17.1f, Aggregated Imbalance Volumes (B1780) - 17.1h, Financial Expenses And Income For Balancing (B1790) -17.1i.