PureGym adds: “Each of our 271 gyms has its own social media channels, which are run locally. This must be done at least three working days before your next payment. Our more than 60 London gyms are located across the city in convenient locations and near London's top sights including Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Hyde Park, so your next workout could be closer than you think. ©2009-2020 Pure Gym Limited (1.2.21715-PG-12987-Ra71736-UK 918C) Registered in England No: 6690189 Reg. Office: Pure Gym Ltd, Town Centre House, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8LY Each PureGym location runs its own social media account, with the company saying it did not “approve or endorse” the post and was removed as soon as it was brought to its attention. Train with confidence at PureGym, a safe space for a great workout. If the online cancellation option is not available to you, please cancel your direct debit with your bank directly. It doesn't matter if you're looking to join your first ever gym in London or have been working out for years: PureGym caters for everybody. It's the staff that have made my gym experience so enjoyable and they've motivated me to stick with it. The plan includes limiting numbers, new gym floor layouts and extensive cleaning routines. The staff are always willing to help you, whether it's just showing you how something is done or simply filming a quick snippet of your workout. Follow the instructions to cancel For gyms which are not yet open, you will be able to freeze your membership closer to when your gym reopens. I'm so glad I joined PureGym rather than a different gym because the help and welcome I've received is unrivalled. Our English gyms will reopen from 25th July and gyms in Northern Ireland have already reopened. The UK fitness chain unveiled their action plan, TrainSafe, to ease member's peace of mind.