la prensa san diego newspaper

The Chula Vista Charitable Foundation (CVCF) has awarded $101,203 to six nonprofit organizations to help enhance the quality of life for older adults in Chula Vista.

To kick off a weekend of nationwide demonstrations against the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris joined immigrant rights supporters to rally against family separations on Friday.

By Manuel Ocaño Most of the images circulating about the immigrant caravan in San Diego thus far have been the thousands of troops deployed, the […]. State Assemblyman and now-candidate for Mayor of San Diego Todd Gloria has consistently told voters that he’s “the son of a maid and a gardener” as a way to demonstrate that he’s not part of the elite political establishment but critics are challenging that narrative. La Prensa San Diego, founded in 1976, is the oldest and largest MexicanAmerican newspaper of general circulation in the City and County of San Diego, California. […], By Alberto Garcia  The contractor that helped expose a corrupt “pay-to-play” culture at Sweetwater school district is now a candidate himself for a seat on […], By Ana Gomez Salcido San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis has been subpoenaed to testify at the trial of Mexican businessman Jose Susumo Azano Matsura, […], By Alberto Garcia On Wednesday, the San Diego County Board of Education (SDCOE) voted unanimously to appoint Eddie Velasquez to serve as Interim County Superintendent.

Más de la mitad de todos los estadunidenses consultados (el 56 por ciento) opina que, durante la presidencia de Trump, la división étnica y la confrontación han aumentado. The event drew residents and workers who use Harbor Drive daily and they identified congested truck routes and modifications that need to be made to improve the use of the popular corridor.

After months of inactivity caused by precautions to curb the spread of the Coronavirus, a group of artists working on a mural honor an immigrant killed at the border has returned to Chicano Park to complete its piece. A concerted effort is afoot among conservative voices to build a misleading counter-narrative to the public protests about racial bias by police: that whites are more likely to be killed by police than people of color. A federal judge has ordered that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) release children being held at three family detention centers by July 17th to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 among those populations. La Coalición de Comunidades Fronterizas inició un proyecto para conformar “una nueva visión para la frontera en el Siglo XXI”, para que los actuales candidatos a la presidencia estadunidense entiendan quienes son y cuales son los valores de los más de 15 millones de residentes en el área.