indonesia population rank

| America

The population of Indonesia is expected to grow by 2,687,000 in 2020 and reach 274,854,000 in 2021. Urban population has increased from 88,851,211 (42.0%) in 2000 to 155,771,000 (57.2%) in the current year. Copyright © 2020, Miniwatts Marketing Group. South Pacific and Australia, INTERNET MARKETING INFORMATION The data is given as of 1st of January of an year.

Female life expectancy at birth is 74 years. What does this value mean? The groups are the same as we used above: population under 15, between 15 and 64 and population which is over 65 year old.

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| South Pacific Indonesia population 2020 During 2020 Indonesia population is projected to increase by 3,486,279 people and reach 276,278,084 in the beginning of 2021. Rate of natural increase is approximately 1.03 percent per year.

(2) Detailed data It shows that the dependent part of population is more than a half of the working part.

This ratio shows the pressure on productive population produced by the dependent part of population.

an active link back to the website Internet World Stats.

The ten countries with the largest population in the world today NOTES: (1) The Top 10 Most Please note that the population clock above do not include deaths caused by COVID-19 virus.

| Europe

The population density in Indonesia is 151 per Km 2 (391 people per mi 2). Note: The pyramid provided is not corresponding to data given above because the age groups have different number of years. 7,389,930 males / 9,381,310 females). As far as age distribution goes, 35.0% of population (95,359,717) is 19 or younger, 59.2% of population (161,183,238) is between age 20 and 64 and 5.8% of population (15,734,489) is over 65.

The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as of 2019. Internet World Stats - Web Site estimates for years 2000, 2020 and 2050 are based mainly on mid-year data from the US Census Bureau The population growth rate is 1.00% (2,741,000 residents, including 1,925,673 deaths). ... Population 267,663,435. .

Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico.

Populated Countries of the World Table was updated on March 3, 2020. Below is a list of Indonesia's cities with their rank and population. Total life expectancy (both sexes) at birth for Indonesia is 71.3 years. Population density will go up to 177.5 people per square kilometer. Internet World Stats website may be cited, always giving the due credit and establishing Male life expectancy at birth is 68.8 years.

(5) Data from the

age structure" is based on the latest demographic and social statistics by United Nations Statistics Division

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Source: Pew Research Center. Area 1,904,569 SQ.KM. Caribbean Stats | Central America Stats North America Stats | Latin America Stats | Aged dependency ratio in Indonesia is 9.2 %. Indonesia was formerly known as the Dutch East Indies (or Netherlands East Indies). Population in 2010 is official data from 2010 Census released by the Central Statistics Agency. (Friday, September 25 2020).

As we can see the Indonesia population pyramid has an expanding type.

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(according to Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations). Arabic Speakers | Chinese Speakers | French Speakers | German Speakers | Portuguese Speakers |

Geographical Country List | Alphabetical Country List | World Covid-19 | USA Covid-19 | Unemployment Broadband Internet | Mobile Internet | ICT Reports | World Languages | World Population, TELECOMMUNICATIONS REPORTS Child dependency ratio in Indonesia is 41.1 %. This type of pyramid is common for developing countries with high birth and death rates. Photos, statistics and additional rankings of Indonesia. As of the beginning of 2020 according to our estimates Indonesia had the following population age distribution: We prepared a simplified model of the population distribution pyramid which is broken down into 3 main age groups. The total dependency ratio of population in Indonesia is 50.3 %.

The value of more than 50% shows that the pressure on productive population in Indonesia is relatively high.