debra jean wrinkles

Ignacio Saragoza, June 24, 1931 - Executed for the 1930 murder of Michigan City police officer, Charles Glafcke.

Judy stated he pulled over to help her with a disabled vehicle. Wrinkles, 49, white, was convicted in the July 21, 1994 murdering of his wife, Debra Jean Wrinkles, 31; her brother, Mark "Tony" Fulkerson, 28; and Fulkerson's wife, Natalie "Chris" Fulkerson, 26. John Hall, April 10, 1928 - Executed for the 1927 murder of South Bend druggist Louis Kreidler during a holdup. Edward Stewart, Jan. 16, 1926 - Death by electrocution for the 1925 murder of Ralph Cunningham, an Indianapolis feed store proprietor. Killed were Patrick Gilligan, Teresa Gilligan and their two children, Lisa Gilligan and Gregory Gilligan, because Wallace said he, “could not let the children grow up with the trauma of not having parents.”. To the extent I became an addict of the worst kind. D.H. Fleenor, Dec. 9, 1999 - Killed Bill and Nyla Harlow in their Madison home in December 1982. Wheeler shot Burns in his tobacco patch then returned to the inside of the house. Click then confessed he had killed Anna Kuzeff, Phyllis Conine and Billa Haaga. Raymond Fortune, Sept. 17, 1937 - The one-time mechanic was electrocuted for the 1936 Fort Wayne “poker party” holdup slaying of Orris Dooken of Wisconsin.

Matthew Alexander, April 16, 1903 - Slashed the neck of George Burke in his Terre Haute home claiming he was under the influence of whiskey. William Ray, Aug. 5, 1920 - Executed for the rape and murder of 14-year-old Martha Huff of Indianapolis. Buck Wheeler, June 6, 1902 - Executed for the murder of his son-in-law, Elias Burns, of Boonville, in 1902. Marvin L. Bieghler, Jan. 27, 2006 - Shot and killed Tommy Miller and his pregnant wife Kimberly in a trailer near Kokomo in a dispute over drugs in 1981. Ulysses Mack, July 1, 1932 - Executed for the hatchet murder of Josephine Odoriczzi, 18, of Tolleston, a suburb of Gary. Chapman admitted he robbed Nolte to obtain funds to get married. Executions in Indiana: Last words, last meals, Retro Indy: Heinous crimes of serial killers in Indiana. Richard Chapman, Oct. 19, 1935 - Executed for the 1934 murder and robbery of Henry Nolte, an Ainsworth farmer.

Recently we have made peace within each other. Since 1995, lethal injection has been the method. He went to the electric chair with 28 stitches in his throat. Follow IndyStar Visuals Manager and RetroIndy writer Dawn Mitchell on Twitter: @dawn_mitchell61. Special features in this release include Wrinkles Animatic, Wrinkles Making Of, Peter Bradshaw reviews Wrinkles, Wrinkles Trailer, Wrinkles Teaser Trailer, and Recording the Music for Wrinkles. By Staff Report.

Harry Singer, Dec. 26, 1936 - Executed for the triple murder of a Wabash County farm family in 1936. John Smith, June 1, 1938 - Executed for the killing of Fort Wayne restaurant owner Arlie foster in 1937. Gerald Bivins, March 14, 2001 - After a two-day crime spree with two friends in 1991, the trio robbed Rev. Robert Watts, Jan. 16, 1951 - Executed for the murder of Lois Burney in her Indianapolis home in 1950. Peter Vergolini, Jan. 30, 1925 - Death by electrocution for the 1924 murder of a 9-year-old girl named Annie Tomisch of Gary. Wrinkles was convicted of breaking into his brother-in-law's Evansville home in July 1994. Robert Brown, Feb. 23, 1949 - Also convicted in the killing of Hammond police officers John Gerka and Donald Cook in 1948. Henry Nolke, Sept. 30, 1938 - Executed for the slaying of his wife, Hazel, and their 22 month-old daughter in Booneville in 1937, What a condemned inmates' last hours:Are like on Indiana's death row. Orelle Easton, June 3, 1939 - Executed for the 1938 killing of Indiana State Policeman W. Raymond Dixon of South Bend.

The children had been drowned. Hugh Marshall, July 8, 1938 - Also executed for his part in the 1936 murder of Indianapolis druggist William Bright. All rights reserved. Harley Edwards, March 2, 1934 - Hours before his death in the electric chair, Edwards attempted suicide by slashing his wrists with broken glass from his spectacles. Harry H. Diamond, Nov. 14, 1924 - Executed for the 1923 shooting death of his wife in East Chicago. Robert A.Smith, Jan. 29, 1998 - While an inmate at the Wabash Correctional Institution in Sullivan County in 1995, Smith stabbed fellow inmate Michael Wedmore 27 times with a sharpened putty knife.