custom event properties

Obsolete properties Event.scoped Read only Obsolete; use composed instead. For example, let's say on July 1 a user logs into your game app version 1.0 and plays a few games. Javascript provides a large number of properties and methods for determining the appearance and associated actions of form fields. For example, if a user has the user property 'SongsPlayed' = '45' and a few minutes later they perform 'PlaySong' again, then 'SongsPlayed' will now equal '46'. These reflect traits about an individual person using your product. This is useful if you want to send a personalized message to new users with instructions on how they can log into the system, and include the username they can use to log in. You cannot modify these property types; when a notification is sent that includes these properties, xMatters replaces them with the appropriate value. Furthermore, the top of a user's activity page will display the most recent user properties which is derived from either the most recent event sent or an Identify call. Use the Alert Context property in your message content to give the recipient an indication of why they were notified. Arabic / عربية You do not need to send custom user properties with every event; once a user property is set, the set value will persist and be applied to all subsequent events until the value is changed. If the Identify API is used, the updated value is reflected in the UI when Event-A is sent to Amplitude. One drawback is that events are inextricably linked to DOM elements. Portuguese/Portugal / Português/Portugal Please contact if you would like default properties blocked (moving forward) on projects with existing data. Our team of expert support staff and users inside our community can help you get the right answer. Amplitude is a registered trademark of Amplitude, Inc. Macedonian / македонски Hebrew / עברית These properties include the first and last name of the recipient or sender of a notification, a recipient's web login, localized date and time information about when an event began, and the event ID. You also do not need to send custom user properties with every event. These properties highly depend on the type of product you have and the specific information you think is necessary to better understand a specific event. Keep in mind that all event properties are case sensitive. You can add event time and date properties to your message to inform recipients of the exact time an event started in xMatters. This is useful to let users know how long ago an incident occurred, especially if they were not on-call to receive the original event notification.