covert biological warfare

biological weapons, biowarfare, China, evacuation, international law, outbreak, pandemic, Taiwan, Trojan Horse, virus, Wuhan. An Israeli biological warfare expert by the name of Dany Shoham, who is now with the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar Ilan University in Israel, believes that the deadly Wuhan virus is likely connected to one of China’s covert biological warfare laboratories; in this case, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. The biosafety lab is about 20 miles from the Hunan Seafood Market, which reports from China say may have been the origin point of the virus. An article from the journal of Science and Engineering Ethics titled “Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis“ helps to explain this term. In 1993, China declared a second facility, the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, as one of eight biological warfare research facilities covered by the Biological Weapons Convention, which China joined in 1985.

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According to latest data from the Johns Hopkins University, there has been 15,439,456 cases of coronavirus worldwide, while the fatalities related to the virus has risen to 631,926. There are various writers and scholars who have informed the world about the new forms of war and threats such as Bill Gates, during its TedTalks, explained that the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war. China also routinely bullies Taiwan and even threatens global corporations with retribution if they do not bow to the demands of the communist regime.

After all, a substantial number of guidebooks and videos have been published in Arabic and English by terrorists to not only show how to acquire biological agents and how to use them, but to also provide religious justification for their weaponization. The Klaxon report said the “covert China-Pakistan project has conducted “successful soil sampling tests” to isolate Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT), which has a “striking similarity” to Bacillus Anthracis – or anthrax.” It is also believed that some countries develop offensive biological and chemical weapons. Click here to read the Mint ePapermint is now on Telegram. Biological warfare (BW)—also known as germ warfare —is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.

Given that China already realizes its economic and political future is now uncertain in the face of an exploding pandemic that has likely killed at least 25,000 Chinese, the deceptive communist regime appears to be attempting to cause the maximum damage to Taiwan as a form of lashing out against its political enemies as its own domestic situation turns to chaos. exponential, self-sustained pandemic outbreak). For this effort, the communist Chinese regime should be labeled a criminal regime that is committing crimes against humanity, yet the compromised W.H.O. The journal nature medicine published an article titled “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence,” on November 9th, 2015. ANI |